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  • As a teacher, I need to be able to provide feedback on completed assignments.

  • As a teacher, I want to easily find the submissions I have not reviewed yet, so I can quickly provide feedback or dismiss (b/c I may not always want to provide electronic feedback).

Teacher Needs Review Notification

Lowfi Design:

User Story: As a teacher, I want to easily find the submissions I have not reviewed yet, so I can quickly provide feedback or dismiss (b/c I may not always want to provide electronic feedback).

Business Rules and Acceptance Criteria:

  • Show a Needs Review button and icon in top right of Classroom Assignments page

  • Display a badge number with the number of Assignments that have either NOT been Reviewed or NOT Skipped associated with the Classrooms that the Educator is associated OR there is a New Comment

Needs Review Page - Educator

Lowfi Design:

Image RemovedImage Added

User Story: As a teacher, I want to easily find the submissions I have not reviewed yet, so I can quickly provide feedback or dismiss (b/c I may not always want to provide electronic feedback).

Business Rules and Acceptance Criteria:

  • Display a table of Assignments with ability to sort each column

  • Table:

    • Student Name

    • Assignment Name

    • Assignment Status

    • Results: Notification Type (Submission or Comment)

    • Results (if scored test, show %; if completion test, show Completed)

    • Date Completed

    • Interactive Buttons:

      • VIEWSKIP

      • Mark as Reviewed

  • After a user VIEWS or SKIPSReviews, turn row into a grayed version with (1) date stamp and (2) hyperlink to view the Assignment

  • Provide the ability for the user to move all Assignments to a Skipped Marked as Reviewed status with one click

Provide Messaging in Assignments

Lowfi Design

Image Removed

New Comment

Image RemovedImage Removed

Image Added

User Story: As a teacher, I need to be able to provide feedback on completed assignments.

Business Rules and Acceptance Criteria:

  • Display assignment and student answers to each question

  • Provide the ability for a user to click any location on the page and start a comment Provide the ability for a new comment to be posted or cancelled view the message bar and create a new message

  • Provide the ability to for a comment to be replied to by any user

  • Provide only the user who created the comment the ability to delete an original comment or reply

    • If the root comment is deleted, then delete all subsequent comments

  • Provide a UI indicator for each comment in the place where it started

  • Provide a history of comments in the right panel

See New Notifications - Teacher

Lowfi Design:

Image AddedImage Added

Business Rules and Acceptance Criteria:

  • When a comment is created by a student, display a badge on the home screen and Classroom Assignment notifications

  • When a comment is created by a Teacher, display a badge on the home screen for the Students

Needs Review Page - Student

Lowfi Design:

Image Added

Business Rules and Acceptance Criteria:

  • When a comment is created by a Teacher, display a badge on the home screen for the Students