Versions Compared


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We need to add an area to account setup where we can edit the allocation of ALL products. This will replace the current Organizations tab.



  • We will show a table listing all products allocated to the highest account level the user has access to and the number of licenses currently in use
  • We will show the number of licenses allocated to each of the sub-accounts
    • A user may click on edit to adjust the allocation (see next section)
  • We will show student products followed by team member products with a scroll bar
    • Student Products
      • Skills
      • Behavior
      • SEL (GenEd)
      • SEL (SPED)
      • VB-MAPP
    • Team Member Products
      • Skills
      • Behavior
      • SEL (Lessons)
      • Basic ABA
      • Advanced ABA
      • Disability Awareness (Staff)
      • Disability Awareness (Peers)
      • Disability Awareness (Home)
      • Disability Awareness (Community)
      • Disability Awareness (Educators)
      • Fundamentals of SPED
      • Neurodiversity
      • SEL (PD)

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Product Licenses will have access to this area. No one else will see this page.
  • We will display products currently allocated to all of the accounts the user has access to. For example, a Role 7 will see all products allocated at the parent and sub-account levels, while a Role 5 will see the products allocated to their building.
  • Total Licenses will show the total number of licenses allocated and in use for each product allocated to the highest level of the account the user has access to. At the highest account level, there will be no edit button.
    • This means that a Role 7 will see the total number of licenses allocated at the parent account level and cannot edit. They will also see the number of licenses allocated to the region/building levels. At these levels, they will see the edit button.
    • A role 6 will see the total number of licenses allocated (and in use) to each region they have access to. They may not edit. They will also see the number of licenses allocated to the buildings they have access to. They will be able to edit the allocations for the buildings for their regions.
    • A Role 5 will see the total number of licenses allocated and in use for all products allocated to their building. They may not make any edits.


  • We will not show the print button
  • Users may export to Excel.
    • We will show a tab for student products and a tab for team member products
    • We will show a row for each account level and a column for each product allocated and a column for each product in use

Edit Allocations


  • When a user clicks the Edit button on the Allocations tab, they will see a pop-up
  • This pop-up will show a row for each account level, and a column for the number of licenses allocated, number of licenses in use, new allocation number, and remaining licenses.
  • The user may click in the new allocation box and adjust the number of licenses allocated.

Business Rules

  • Users will see the the number of licenses allocated to each account level they have access to for a given product.
  • Currently Allocated will show the number of licenses currently allocated to each account level the user has access to.
    • District level
      • We will show the number of licenses allocated to the district
      • Role 7 can see this
    • Region level
      • We will show the number of licenses allocated to the region
      • Role 7 can see this for all regions
      • Role 6 can see this for all regions they have access to
    • Building level
      • We will show the number of licenses allocated to the building
      • Role 7 can see this for all buildings
      • Role 6 can see this for all buildings they have access to
  • Currently Used will show the number of licenses currently in use.
    • District level
      • Will show all licenses used across the district, including the child accounts the user has access to.
      • Role 7 will see this row.
    • Region level
      • Will show all licenses used across the region, including the child accounts the user has access to.
      • Role 7 can see this for all regions
      • Role 6 can see this for all regions they have access to
    • Building level
      • Will show all licenses in use by the building.
      • Role 7 can see this for all buildings
      • Role 6 can see this for all buildings they have access to
  • New Allocation will show (by default) the number of license currently allocated.
    • District level
      • Will not show an editable field as this number cannot be changed.
      • Role 7 will see this row.
    • Region level
      • Role 7 users will see an editable field. The new number they enter cannot be less than the number of licenses in use for the region and cannot be more than the number of licenses currently assigned + the number of licenses remaining.
      • Role 6 cannot will not see an editable field.
    • Building level
      • Roles 6 & 7 will see an editable field. The new number they enter cannot be less than the number of licenses in use for the building and cannot be more than the number of licenses currently assigned + the number of licenses remaining.
  • Remaining Licenses will show the number of licenses not yet allocated
    • District level
      • Remaining licenses does not show
    • Region level
      • We will calculate this as Licenses allocated to the District - Licenses Allocated to Sum of all Regions
      • Role 7 can see this
    • Building level
      • If regions exist, we will calculate this as Licenses Allocated to the Region - Licenses Allocated to the Sum of all Buildings within the Region
      • If regions do not exist, we will calculate this as Licenses Allocated to the District - Licenses Allocated to the Sum of all Buildings within the District
      • Role 6 & 7 can see this
  • Once a user clicks Apply, the new allocation number will take effect.

Team Member Licenses


  • We will show a filter above the table allowing users to drill down to a specific region or building
  • The table will show a row for each team member and a column for each team member product allocated to the account
  • When the slider is turned to the right, the product is assigned to the team member.

  • When the slider is turned to the left, the product is not assigned to the team member
  • Team Members
    • We will show the number of products currently assigned to the team member
    • If the user clicks All On, every product allocated to that user's building/region/district will be assigned to the team member
    • If the user clicks All Off, every product allocated to that users building/region/district will be unassigned from the team member
  • Products
    • At the district, region, and building level, we will show the number of team members assigned to a product out of the number of available licenses for that product
    • If the user clicks All On, all team members will be assigned to that product
    • If the user clicks All Off, all team members will be unassigned to that product

Business Rules

  • If the user has access to Regions, they may filter by region or building
  • Multiple regions/buildings can be selected
  • We will enforce licenses.
  • Team Members
    • A team member can only be assigned all products if licenses are available. For example, if a team member belongs to a building that has 0 remaining licenses for skills, we cannot assign Skills to that team member.
    • If we attempt to assign a product to a team member and we do not have enough licenses, we will see a message that states "It looks like you do not have enough licenses available to assign this product. Please adjust your allocations or contact us at to purchase additional licenses."
  • Products
    • District level
      • We will see the number of licenses currently assigned for all team members across the district out of the number of licenses allocated to the district
      • Districts with unlimited licenses will not show the number of licenses allocated (i.e. we will just see 300 used)
      • All On will assign the product to all team members in the district and child accounts. We are held to the allocations for the district and all child accounts.
      • If we do not have enough licenses available to assign a product to all team members at all account levels, we will see a message that states "It looks like you do not have enough licenses available to assign this product. Please adjust your allocations or contact us at to purchase additional licenses."
      • Role 7 will see this row
    • Region level
      • We will see the number of licenses currently assigned for all team members across the region out of the number of licenses allocated to the region
      • Regions with unlimited licenses will not show the number of licenses allocated (i.e. we will just see 300 used)
      • All On will assign the product to all team members in the region and region's child accounts. We are held to the allocations for the region and all child accounts.
      • If we do not have enough licenses available to assign a product to all team members at all account levels, we will see a message that states "It looks like you do not have enough licenses available to assign this product. Please adjust your allocations or contact us at to purchase additional licenses."
      • Role 7 will see this row for all regions
      • Role 6 will see this row for all regions they are assigned to
    • Building level
      • We will see the number of licenses currently assigned for all team members in the building out of the number of licenses allocated to the building
      • Buildings with unlimited licenses will not show the number of licenses allocated (i.e. we will just see 300 used)
      • All On will assign the product to all team members in the building. We are held to the allocations for the building.
      • If we do not have enough licenses available to assign a product to all team members in the building, we will see a message that states "It looks like you do not have enough licenses available to assign this product. Please adjust your allocations or contact us at to purchase additional licenses."
      • Role 7 will see this row for all buildings
      • Role 6 will see this row for all buildings they have access to
      • Role 5 will see this row for their building


  • We do not need a print button
  • Export to Excel
  • We will show a sheet for each account level (i.e. tab for District, Region A, Building A, etc.)
  • We will show a column for team member names and a column for each product
  • We will show a X for the products each team member is currently assigned
  • Team Members will show under the account they belong to (i.e. Role 7 will show on District sheet and Lead Teacher will show on Building A sheet)