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We need to indicate to the student which videos they have already watched.

User Story: As a student, I need to see which videos I already completed, so I know which videos I still need to watch.

Acceptance Criteria: Given I am a student, when I visit the Videos tab in the student center, I need to see which videos I have already viewed (as indicated by the dark colored block) and the date I viewed them.


Videos Tab


  • When a student clicks on the videos tab, all videos with a status of Completed will show in a darker colored box with the phrase Completed: INSERT DATE COMPLETED

  • All other videos will appear as they do now

  • If a student clicks to view a video, they will see the view video screen.

Business Rules

  • Completed Videos

    • Any video for which the student clicked the “I’m done” button that has not yet been reassigned to the student is considered Completed

    • We will show a completed date as the date the student clicked the “I’m done” button

    • This means that any video the student viewed before this enhancement is built is considered not complete

  • Not Started Videos

    • These are videos the student has not yet clicked on.

    • They will show the Start button

  • In Progress Videos

    • These are videos the student has clicked on, but has not marked complete yet

    • They will show the Continue button.

  • If a student completed video 1 and then is reassigned video 1 by the teacher, the completed status will be reset

  • Students may view any video, regardless of whether it has been assigned or if the student already completed it