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We need to adjust the add/edit students screen to distinguish between direct and classroom assignments.

General Concept


  • In Manage Students, when a user clicks to Add/Edit a student, we need to create a much larger screen that shows all steps on the same page AND allows students to be assigned to classrooms

  • This screen will be divided into 2 steps:

    • Create/Edit Profile

    • Create/Edit Assignments

Business Rules

  • Create Profile and Create Assignments will show if the user is adding a new student

  • Edit Profile and Edit Assignments will show if the user is editing an existing student

Step 1: Create/Edit Profile


  • Here, the user will add/edit the following fields:

    • First Name

    • Last Name

    • Email

    • Birthday

    • Gender

    • Ethnicity

    • Grade

    • State Test Number

    • Classification

    • Building

    • Username

    • Password

    • Confirm Password

Business Rules

  • Email is a new field and will be non-required

  • Classification will change to just 2 options:

    • General Education

    • Special Education

  • Special Education will be selected for any student who previously had an education classification of:

    • ADHD

    • Autism

    • Deaf-Blindness

    • Deafness

    • Developmental Delay

    • Down syndrome

    • Emotional Disturbance

    • Hearing Impairment

    • Intellectual Disability

    • Multiple Disabilities

    • Orthopedic Impairment

    • Other Health Impaired

    • Specific Learning Disability

    • Speech or language Impairment

    • Traumatic Brain Injury

    • Visual Impairement, including blindness

  • General Education will be selected for any student who previously did not have an education classification selected

  • When editing a student who was previously set to Other, the user will be prompted to select either General Education or Special Education

  • Language Ability and Biggest Area of Concern will be removed

  • If a student is connected to Rethink via integration, the ONLY fields that can be edited are:

    • Email

    • Birthday

    • Gender

    • Password

Step 2: Create/Edit Assignments


  • When the user clicks on Step 2, they will see a screen detailing both Direct Team Member Assignments and Classroom Assignments

Business Rules

Direct Team Member Assignments


  • This section will list both available and assigned team members

  • Clicking the + will add a team member to the assigned list

  • Clicking the - will remove a team member from the assigned list

Business Rules

  • We will list all team members who belong to a building both the user and student currently have access to. This will include multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members listed under Assigned will be assigned to the student

  • If a team member is unassigned from a student here, the student will no longer be assigned to the team member UNLESS the student and team member both belong to the same classroom

Classroom Assignments


  • Here, we will show all available and assigned classrooms

  • If the user clicks the +, the classroom will be added to the assigned column

  • If the user clicks on add new classroom, they will see the create classroom form

Business Rules

  • Available Classrooms

    • Users with permission to View Classrooms will see the list of Classrooms associated with a building to which the student currently belongs

    • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to assign a classroom to the student

  • Assigned Classrooms

    • Users with permission to View Classrooms will see the list of Classrooms to which the student currently belongs

    • Classrooms listed under Assigned are assigned to the student

    • Any classroom linked to a student via integration cannot be unassigned from the student

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to add a new classroom

Existing Classroom


  • If the user clicks on an assigned classroom, they will see a list of available and assigned team members and students

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to edit the classroom assignments

  • Classrooms created via an integration cannot be edited

| Team Members


  • Here, we will show the list of available and assigned team members

  • If the user clicks the +, the team member will be added to the assigned column

  • If the user clicks the -, the team member will be removed from the assigned column

Business Rules

  • Available Team Members will list all team members with permission to View Classrooms who belong to the same building as the classroom. This includes multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all students in the classroom

  • At least 1 team member must be assigned to the classroom

  • If a team member is unassigned from the classroom, they are unassigned from all students in the classroom UNLESS at least one of the following statements is true:

    • The student and the team member both belong to another classroom together

    • The student is directly assigned to the team member

| Students


  • Here, we will show the list of available and assigned students

  • If the user clicks the +, the student will be added to the assigned column

  • If the user clicks the -, the student will be removed from the assigned column

Business Rules

  • Available Students will list all students who belong to the same building as the classroom.

  • Students under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all team members in the classroom

  • At least 1 student must be assigned to the classroom

  • If a student is unassigned from the classroom, they are unassigned from all team members in the classroom UNLESS at least one of the following statements is true:

    • The student and the team member both belong to another classroom together

    • The student is directly assigned to the team member

Add New Classroom


  • If the user clicks on Add New Classroom, they will see add classroom form

  • First, the user will select an icon and classroom name

  • Next, the user will see the building name

  • Next, we will show the list of available and assigned students

    • If the user clicks the +, the student will be added to the assigned column

    • If the user clicks the -, the student will be removed from the assigned column

  • We will then show the list of available and assigned team members

    • If the user clicks the +, the team member will be added to the assigned column

    • If the user clicks the -, the team member will be removed from the assigned column

  • Clicking Save will save this classroom

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to add a new classroom

  • The star icon will be selected by default

  • Classroom must have a name

  • We will show the building to which the student currently belongs. No other buildings will show & there should be no option to make a selection. This is static.

  • Available Students will list all students who belong to the same building as the classroom. We will auto-select the student we are currently editing.

  • Students under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all team members in the classroom

  • At least 1 student must be assigned to the classroom

  • Available Team Members will list all team members with permission to View Classrooms who belong to the same building as the classroom. This includes multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all students in the classroom

  • At least 1 team member must be assigned to the classroom