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We will modify the Assignments tab in the student center to reflect what is due today, what is due later, and what is already complete.

User Stories:

  • As a student, I want to know which assignments are due today, so I can prioritize

  • As a student, I want to know which assignments are due after today, so I can plan accordingly

  • As a student, I want to know which assignments I already completed, so I can keep track of my work & review my previously completed work

  • As a student, I want to know which assignments are overdue, so I can get caught up on my work

Acceptance Criteria:




  • When the student logs into the Student Center, they will land in the Assignments section

Image Added
  • Under Today, the student will see a list of items that are due today or that are past due

  • Items that are past due will show the Late flag

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  • Items that are not past due will show the Due flag

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  • Each item will show the due date (if applicable)

  • The icon in the upper right corner of each block indicates which type of assignment it is. Hovering on the icon will show text description of the assignment type

    • Video

      • Image Added
    • Resource

      • Image Added
    • Worksheet

      • Image Added
    • Activity

      • Image Added
  • We will show up to 8 assignments on the screen. If additional assignments are due today or past due, the student will click the arrow on the right to load additional assignments.

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Business Rules