Versions Compared


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We will create a sub-section in Assignments to show those assignments that are due on a future date.

User Stories:

  • As a student, I want to know which assignments are due after today, so I can plan accordingly

Acceptance Criteria:


General Concept


  • Under Today, the student will see a list of items that are due on a future date

  • Each item will show the due date (if applicable)

  • We will show up to 8 assignments on the screen. If additional assignments are due on a future date, the student will click the arrow on the right to load up to 8 additional assignments (first 8 assignments will be pushed to the left & can be retrieved by pushing the arrow on the left)

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Business Rules

  • If the student does not have have least 1 assignment with a due date equal or less than today’s date, at least 1 SEL or Mental Health assignment with no due date, OR at least 1 Skills assignment that I have not yet completed today, but they DO have at least 1 assignment with a due date in the future, they will default to the Later section when they click on Assignments

  • Any assignment not completed with a due date greater than today’s date will show under Later

  • If the student is ONLY assigned Skills activities, do not show Later section.

  • Start will show for assignments not yet started. Continue will show for assignments previously started but not submitted (same as current logic)

  • If 8 or less assignments exist under Later, we will not show the navigation arrows

  • Once the student is on last page of assignments due later, the right arrow will no longer show

  • When the student is on the first page of assignments due later, the left arrow will not show

  • We will list assignments in order of due date (earliest due date first). Any assignment with the same due date will be ordered alphabetically.



  • All items will show the Due flag

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Business Rules

  • All items with a due date in the future will show the Due flag

Assignment Type


  • The icon in the upper right corner of each block indicates which type of assignment it is. Hovering on the icon will show text description of the assignment type

  • Video

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  • Resource

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  • Worksheet

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  • Quiz

  • Assessment

Business Rules

  • All assignments that are in video format will be treated as a video assignment (not just those from Learn section)

  • All assignments that are non-interactive PDFs will be treated as a resource

  • All SEL & Mental Health assignments that are interactive will be treated as a worksheet

  • All quizzes will be treated as a quiz

  • All self-assessments will be treated as an assessment

  • Skills activities will never show here

Empty State


  • If no assignments are due on a future date, the student will see the empty state

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Business Rules

  • The empty state will show when the student does not have least 1 non-complete assignment with a due date greater than today’s date