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We need to adjust the add/edit students screen to distinguish between direct and classroom assignments.

General Concept


  • In Manage Students, when a user clicks to Add/Edit a student, we need to create a much larger screen that shows all steps on the same page AND allows students to be assigned to classrooms

  • This screen will be divided into 2 steps:

    • Create /Edit ProfileCreate/Edit Assignments

    • Connect Team Members & Classrooms

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Business Rules

  • Create Profile and Create Assignments will show if the user is adding a new student

  • Edit Profile and Edit Assignments will show if the user is editing an existing student

  • be the default screen

Step 1: Create/Edit Profile


  • Here, the user will add/edit the following fields:

    • First Name

    • Last NameEmail

    • Birthday

    • Gender

    • Ethnicity

    • Grade

    • State Test Number

    • Email

    • Education Classification

    • Building

    • Username

    • Password

    • Confirm Password

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Business Rules

  • Email is a new field and will be non-required

  • Education Classification will change to just 2 options:

    • General Education

    • Special Education

  • Special Education will be selected for any student who previously had an education classification of:

    • ADHD

    • Autism

    • Deaf-Blindness

    • Deafness

    • Developmental Delay

    • Down syndrome

    • Emotional Disturbance

    • Hearing Impairment

    • Intellectual Disability

    • Multiple Disabilities

    • Orthopedic Impairment

    • Other Health Impaired

    • Specific Learning Disability

    • Speech or language Impairment

    • Traumatic Brain Injury

    • Visual ImpairementImpairment, including blindness

  • General Education will be selected for any student who previously did not have an education classification selected

  • When editing a student who was previously set to Other, the user will be prompted to select either General Education or Special Education

  • Language Ability and Biggest Area of Concern will be removed

  • If a student is connected to Rethink via integration, the ONLY fields that can be edited are:

    • Email

    • Birthday

    • Gender

    • Password

Step 2: Create/Edit Assignments


  • When the user clicks on Next Step 2, they

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  • They will see a screen detailing both Direct Team Member Assignments and Classroom Assignments

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Business Rules

Direct Team Member Assignments


  • This section will list both available and assigned team members

  • Users may drag team members between the available and assigned columns. We will show the number of assigned team members

  • Clicking the + will add a team member to the assigned list

  • Clicking the - will remove a team member from the assigned list.

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  • If no team members have been assigned, the user will see a message instructing them to drag the team members to the assigned column

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  • If no team members are available, the user will see a message indicating no team members exist.

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Business Rules

  • We will list all team members who belong have access to a the same building both as the user and student currently have access to. This will include multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members listed under Assigned will be assigned to the student

  • If a team member is unassigned from a student here, the student team member will no longer be assigned or have access to the team member student UNLESS the student and team member both belong to the same classroom

  • Students & team members added via integration will be assigned via classrooms - not direct assignment, but students can be manually assigned to other team members

Classroom Assignments


  • Here, we will show all available and assigned classrooms

  • If the user clicks the +, the classroom will be added to the assigned column

  • If the user clicks on add new all classrooms the student is assigned to.

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  • For all assigned classrooms, we will show a list of team members currently assigned to the classroom

  • If the user wishes to unassign the student from a classroom, they will see the create classroom form

Business Rules

  • Available Classrooms

    • Users with permission to View Classrooms will see the list of Classrooms associated with a building to which the student currently belongs

    • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to assign a classroom to the student

  • Assigned Classroomsclick the 3 dots and select unassign

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  • If the student is not assigned to any classrooms, they will see the empty state. From here, the user may click to add the student to an existing classroom or create a new classroom.

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  • If the user wishes to assign the student to a classroom, they may also click the add button

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Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Classrooms will see the list of Classrooms (associated with a building the user currently has access to) to which the student currently belongs

  • Classrooms listed under


    Classroom Assignments are assigned to the student

  • Any classroom linked to a student via integration cannot be unassigned from the student

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to add a new classroom

Existing Classroom


  • If the user clicks on an assigned classroom, they will see a list of available and assigned team members and students

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to edit the classroom assignments

  • Classrooms created via an integration cannot be edited

| Team Members


  • Here, we will show the list of available and assigned team members

  • If the user clicks the +, the team member will be added to the assigned column

  • If the user clicks the -, the team member will be removed from the assigned column

Business Rules

  • Available Team Members will list all team members with permission to View Classrooms who belong to the same building as the classroom. This includes multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all students in the classroom

  • At least 1 team member must be assigned to the classroom

  • If a team member is unassigned from the classroom, they are unassigned from all students in the classroom UNLESS at least one of the following statements is true:

    • The student and the team member both belong to another classroom together

    • The student is directly assigned to the team member

| Students


  • Here, we will show the list of available and assigned students

  • If the user clicks the +, the student will be added to the assigned column

  • If the user clicks the -, the student will be removed from the assigned column

Business Rules

  • Available Students will list all students who belong to the same building as the classroom.

  • Students under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all team members in the classroom

  • At least 1 student must be assigned to the classroom

  • If a student is unassigned from the classroom, they are unassigned from all team members in the classroom UNLESS at least one of the following statements is true:

  • The student and the team member both belong to another classroom together

  • The student is directly assigned to the team member

    The team members in the classroom will have access to the student. If a student is unassigned from a classroom, the team members in the class will no longer have access to the student unless they are directly assigned or connected via another classroom.

  • If the classroom was created via integration, the unassign button will not show

Add Existing Classroom


  • If the user clicks on add existing classroom,

  • They will see the modal to assign the student to an existing classroom

  • The user may search for a classroom by name

  • When the user clicks the add button, the modal will close and the student will be assigned to the classroom

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Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Classrooms will see the list of Classrooms associated with the building to which the student currently belongs

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to assign a classroom to the student

  • Classrooms created via integration will not show

Add New Classroom


  • If the user clicks on Add New Classroom, they will see add classroom form

  • First, the user will select an icon and classroom name

  • Next, the user will see the building name

  • Next, we will show the list of available and assigned students

    • If the user clicks the +, the student will be added to the assigned column

    • If the user clicks the -, the student will be removed from the assigned column

  • We will then show the list of available and assigned team members

    • If the user clicks the +, the team member will be added to the assigned column

    • If the user clicks the -, the team member will be removed from the assigned column

  • Clicking Save will save this classroom

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Business Rules

  • Users with permission to Manage Classrooms will have the ability to add a new classroom

  • The star icon will be selected by default

  • Classroom must have a name

  • We will show the building to which the student currently belongs. No other buildings will show & there should be no option to make a selection. This is static.

  • Available Students will list all students who belong to the same building as the classroom. We will auto-select the student we are currently editing.

  • Students under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all team members in the classroom

  • At least 1 student must be assigned to the classroom

  • Available Team Members will list all team members with permission to View Classrooms who belong to the same building as the classroom. This includes multi-account team members and admins

  • Team Members under Assigned are assigned to the classroom and all students in the classroom

  • At least 1 team member must be assigned to the classroom