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We will create an assignment viewer in Assignments to view and interact with the assignments

User Stories:

  • As a student, I want to be know how to view the video, reset, save, submit my interactive assignments

  • As a student, I want to know how to view my resources and refer to them whenever I need them

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, or 2, I will see the younger student UI

  • Given I am NOT a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, or 2, I will see the older student UI

  • Given I am a student who DOES NOT have at least 1 non-complete SEL or Mental Health assignment or at least 1 Skills assignment I have not yet completed today, but I DO have at least 1 completed assignment, I will default to the Done section when I click on Assignments

  • Given I am a student viewing the Done section, I will see all SEL and Mental Health assignments I completed this school year (7/1 - 6/30) and all Skills activities I completed today.

  • Given I have completed an assignment multiple times, I will see the date I last completed the assignment

  • Given I am viewing a completed video assignment, I will see the date I last submitted the video assignment to my teacher

  • Given I am viewing a completed video assignment, I may view it again

  • Given I am viewing a completed non-interactive SEL or Mental Health assignment, I will see the date I most recently viewed the assignment.

  • Given I am viewing a completed non-interactive SEL or Mental Health assignment, I may view it again

  • Given I am viewing an interactive SEL or Mental Health assignment, I will see the date I last submitted the assignment to my teacher

  • Given I have completed a Skills or Mental Health interactive activity or quiz and it HAS NOT been reassigned to me, I may view that item to review my work

  • Given I have completed a Skills or Mental Health interactive activity or quiz and it HAS been reassigned to me, I may NOT view that item to review my work

  • Given I am viewing a SEL quiz, I will see the date I last completed the quiz

  • Given I am viewing a SEL quiz and that quiz has NOT been reassigned to me, I may view my responses to the quiz but I may not make any changes

  • Given I am viewing a SEL quiz and that quiz HAS been reassigned to me, I may NOT view my responses to the quiz

  • Given I am viewing a SEL self-assessment, I will see the date I completed the assessment

  • Given I am viewing a SEL self-assessment, I may review my responses to the assessment but I may not make any changes.

  • Given I am viewing a Skills activity, I will see my most recent score

  • Given I am viewing a Skills activity, I may complete it again.

  • Given I do not have any SEL or Mental Health assignments completed this school year (7/1 - 6/30) OR any Skills activities completed today, I will see the empty state.

Younger Design:

Older Design:

General Concept


  • dfsfs

Image Added

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