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We will create an assignment viewer in Assignments to view and interact with the assignments

User Stories:

  • As a student, I want to know how to view the video, reset, save, submit my interactive assignments

  • As a student, I want to know how to view my resources and refer to them whenever I need them

  • As a student, I want to be able to easily read and complete my assignment

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, or 2, I will see the younger student UI

  • Given I am NOT a student in grades Early Intervention, Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, or 2, I will see the older student UI

  • Given I am a student and I have selected the assignment card for an interactive worksheet that I have not completed from the Today, Later, or Done Section or I have selected it from the lesson scope views, I will see the same assignment in the assignment viewer in the work mode

  • Given I am a student viewing my interactive worksheet in the assignment viewer, I will see options to save, reset or Done (younger) /Submit (older)

  • Given I am a student viewing my interactive worksheet or resource in the assignment viewer, I will see option to view the video from the same lesson as the assignment and when clicked, opens the video viewer

  • Given I am a student viewing my resource in the assignment viewer, I will see the option to Go back to the section where the assignment card for the same assignment lives or the video and assignments thumbnail views depending on how I arrived at the assignment viewer

  • Given I am a student viewing my resource in the assignment viewer, I will see and use the necessary features like zoom currently included in our current assignment viewer

  • Given I am a student viewing my interactive worksheet in the assignment viewer, I will see and be able to use the necessary tools currently included with each specific assignment slightly enhanced for the younger UI

  • Given I am a student viewing my resource or interactive worksheet in the assignment viewer, I will see a right arrow to be able to access the next pages and a left arrow to return to the last pages visited in order

  • Given I am a student viewing my resource or interactive worksheet in the assignment viewer, I will NOT see a right or left arrow if there is only one sheet to the resource or worksheet

Younger Design:

Older Design:

General Concept


  • Once the student selects an assignment card with a resource or interactive worksheet from the Overdue, Today, and Later sections or from the Lesson scope thumbnail views, they will see the same activity displayed in the assignment viewer

  • The Go back button will return the students to the section or location where they clicked on the assignment whether that is the Overdue, Today, or Later areas or the lesson scope areas

  • The title in the top left hand corner will correspond with the tagged subtitle for the interactive worksheet

  • The right arrow will only show if there are 2 or more pages to the worksheet and the left arrow will only show when their are previous pages to access

Business Rules

  • Students assigned to grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, or 2 will see the younger UI version

  • Students NOT assigned to grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1, or 2 will see the older UI version

  • If the student clicks on the assignment card or thumbnails from the Lesson Scope views, they will see the same assignment in the assignment viewer

  • Students can return to the location where they selected the assignment if they click Go Back

  • Students will have the option to view the Videos associated with the interactive worksheets and resources and then return to the same assignment viewer upon completion

  • Students will be able to save, reset, or submit their assignment to their teacher

Interactive Worksheets


  • Interactive worksheets in the assignment viewer will include all tools needed to complete a given assignment whether an assignment calls for a pointer, brush, eraser, etc.

  • We will provide access to the video associated with the given assignment via the Video button which activates the video viewer and easily returns student back to their work in progress. Whether the students save or not before viewing the video, their work will remain in the state it was in prior to watching the video

  • The save button will show a success message once their work has been saved

  • The reset button will erase all work and the undo button will return the work lost during the work session

  • The Done/ Submit button will initiate a confirmation message to check that students want to send the work to their teacher


  • Once student click done/submit, a confirmation message deploy checking whether they are ready to send the assignment to their teacher. If they select no, the confirmation message will close leaving them on the interactive worksheet screen.

Sent Assignment Viewer

  • If the student selects Yes to send it to their teacher, they will be taken to the Sent Assignment Viewer screen where they will only be able to edit until their teacher reviews their work as it currently works. If they select edit, they will return to the Assignment Viewer Work mode and the work will no longer be in the teacher’s Manage assignments.

  • Students are also able to send a message directly to their teacher once their work is sent. The Send Button will activate once a letter is inputted into the chat box

  • Go Back will return them to the link originally clicked on to access the assignment viewer for the given assignment

Business Rules



  • Resources in the assignment viewer will include all features currently provided like Zoom in, zoom out, download, etc

  • We will provide access to the video associated with the given resource via the Video button which activates the video viewer and easily returns students back to the resource

  • The Title at the top left hand corner will be Practice, Practice 1, or Practice 2 corresponding to subtitle tagged to the resource

Business Rules