We need the ability to set alert criteria for incident reports. This will flag students who may be at risk for administrator and educator review.
User Stories:
As a district admin, I want to set district-wide criteria to alert me when students are at risk, so I can ensure we identify students quickly & consistently
As a user, I want to view the alert criteria, I can understand what signifies a student might be at risk
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a user marked “is admin role” and I have permission to view settings, I will see this section
Give I am a Role 7 user, I will have permission to edit the alerts
Given I am a Role 5 user at a district with multiple levels, I will have permission to view but not edit the alerts
Given I am a Role 5 user at a district with a single level, I will have permission to edit the alerts
DESIGN: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=12673%3A134595
We will add a tab for Alerts to Account Settings
On this screen, we will show the alert settings for incidents (more settings to come in the future)
Clicking on the boxes will allow the user to edit the number of incidents and the time period.
The user may type a number
The user may select between day(s), week(s), month(s), and year(s).
The default for Yes I would like to be sent alerts to my school email should be unchecked
The default for Yes I would like to opt out of the alerts in the Rethink inbox should be unchecked
If the user check the Yes I would like to be sent alerts to my school email, they will receive an email each time the alert is triggered to the email on record
If the user checks Yes I would like to opt out of the alerts in the Rethink inbox, the user will no longer receive alerts to their Rethink inbox but the alerts will still show in the alert report area
The changes will be automatically saved.
We will show the first and last name of the user who made the most recent changes & the date the change was last made.
Users can specify the amount of incident reports and the time frame for alerts
If the user enters in a negative number of a number outside of the range for the amount of incident reports they will see the following error message: Numbers must be between 0-99
If the user enters in a negative number of a number outside of the range for the amount of months they will see the following error message: Numbers must be between 1-12
Once the user deletes the incorrect entry, the error message disappears
When the user clicks the dropdown, they will see day, week, month, year options
Each time a user makes a change and saves the name and date will appear next to the incident alert setting
The last person and date to save a change will remain on screen until the next change is made and it updates to the new person or date
The changes will be automatically saved.
Business Rules
Any role 4-7 with the behavior component will be able to view this section in settings
Only the highest level admin roles will have access to edit the alert criterion. For accounts with multiple levels, only Role 7 users will have permission to edit the alert criterion. For accounts without multiple levels, Role 5 user will have permission to edit the alert criterion.
The default criterion will be Alert when 2 incidents are reported in a 1 month period.
This section will show for users with access to Behavior
The inputted number for the amount of incident reports cannot be a negative number and should be 0-99
The number of months cannot be a negative numbers and should be 1-12
The month dropdown should contain the following selections in this order: day, week, month, year. They can only select one.
If the user selects year in the dropdown, the school year will be the current school year from August 1 to June 30th.