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Business Rules

Points will show if the student belongs to a building that has purchased behavior support student licenses.

We need to show points earned, current point balance, and teacher feedback in the student center.

Point Balance in Top Bar


  • On the top bar in the student center, we will show the current point balance for the student

  • The points will update as added and subtracted from the total

Image Removed

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to see how many points I have earned and use them to purchase prizes

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user viewing the Behavior Area and I have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will have access to the Record Incident button

  • Given I am a user viewing the Behavior Area and I DO NOT have permission to Behavior Support → Edit Reports, I will NOT have access to the Record Incident button


New Message Alert-inbox


  • On the top bar, we will show an inbox icon

  • This icon will show a red dot and the text New message if there is an unread message in the inbox

  • Clicking on this message will take the student to their inbox

  • Clicking outside of the message will simply close the message

  • Clicking on this icon takes the user to the inbox

  • Here, they will see the date and time of each message

  • If the user clicks “load more,” additional messages will show

  • There will be 2 message types for now

    • INSERT TEAM MEMBER NAME has sent you a message will show if a team member recorded a message for the student while recording behavior points.

      • Clicking view will will take the user to that message. If the student clicks the back or close button, they will return to the inbox.

      • The student may type a response to the educator.

    • You earned INSERT NUMBER points will show each time the student earns points (each time the save button is clicked in the record behavior points tool).

      • Clicking view will take the student to their transaction history.

  • If there are no messages, we will see an empty state like this:

Business Rules

  • This message will show if a team member recorded a note for the student while recording behavior points.

  • This message will only show the first time the student logs in after a note was recorded.

  • Inbox will only show if the student belongs to a building that has purchased SEL or Behavior Support licenses for students.

  • By default, we will show 15 messages.

  • We will list messages by date, with most recent message at the top.

  • Each time the user clicks “load more,” an additional 15 messages will load.

  • The load more button will not show if there are no additional messages.

  • Messages will remain after they are viewed.

Point Balance in Top Bar


  • On the top bar in the student center, we will show the current point balance for the student

  • The points will update as added and subtracted from the total

Image Added

Business Rules

  • Points will show if the student belongs to a building that has purchased behavior support student licenses.

My Profile


  • If the student clicks on the My Profile button

  • They will see their current point balance.

  • If the click on View my points

  • They will be taken to their points transaction screen.

Business Rules

  • This will show if the student belongs to a building that has purchased behavior support student licenses.

  • If the student has not yet earned any points, we will not show the view my points button.

Transaction History


  • The student will see their current point balance and a list of transactions

  • If the student clicks Load more, an additional 5 transactions will show.

  • For all points awarded, the student will see:

    • Date

    • Behavior Name

    • Points

    • Current Balance

  • For all points spent, the student will see:

    • Date

    • Points Spent

    • Points

    • Current Balance

  • If the student clicks “Load more,” additional transactions will load.

  • If the student clicks Make purchase, they will be taken to the spend points screen

  • Here, the student will be able to enter the number of points they are spending and specify what they are spending it on

  • If the student does not have enough points for the purchase, they will see an error message.

Business Rules

  • By default, we will show the 5 most recent transactions

  • A transaction occurs each time behaviors are saved in the points tool or points are spent.

  • Points Awarded

    • Date will show the date a behavior was recorded

    • Action will show the name of the behavior recorded on that date

    • Points will show the number of points earned for the behavior on that date

    • Balance will show the updated balance once the behavior was saved/points were earned.

  • Points Spent

    • Date will show the date the points were spent

    • Action will show the phrase “Points Spent.” If a note was added for points spent, we will also display the note below the phase “Points Spent”

    • Points will show the number of points spent

    • Balance will show the updated balance after the points were spent

  • We will list the transactions by date, with most recent transaction at the top.

  • Each time the student clicks “load more,” an additional 5 transactions will load.

  • The load more button will not show if there are no additional transactions.

  • The student may not spend more points than they currently have

  • The student does not need to specify what they are spending points on (optional field)