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Use this area to type a description of the project. This should be 1-2 sentences briefly explaining what we are building.

User Stories:

  • User Story 1 (As a USER TYPE, I want to INSERT ACTION, so that I can INSERT VALUE ADD)

  • User Story 2

  • Etc

    We need to create a self-monitoring tool so student(s) can track their behavior for three types of measurement tools including: checklist, rating scale, and interval. The tool will include functionality to print the self-monitoring tracker, enter data during and after the self-monitoring session and edit previous responses. Teachers will also be able to enter data on the student(s) behalf.

    User Stories:

    • As a teacher who does not have access to to technology everyday, I need to print paper self-monitoring tool(s) so that my student(s) can monitor their behavior as it occurs and I can add their responses into the computer at a later time.

    • As a student who has several self-monitoring tools used in different subject areas, I need an easy way to navigate to the correct tool so that I can monitor my own behavior and maybe earn rewards!

    • As a student who doesn’t always have access to a computer during class, I need an easy way to enter my self-monitoring data on the computer later so that I will be able to do what my teacher(s) ask of me.

    Acceptance Criteria:

    • This is where we list the acceptance criteria. Keep a bulleted list

    Design: Insert Figma Link here

    Section One


    Business Rules

    Section Two


    Business Rules

    Section Three


    Business Rules

    Section Four


    Business Rules

    Section Five


    Business Rules