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We need to create a self-monitoring tool so student(s) can track their behavior for three types of measurement tools including: checklist, rating scale, and interval. The tool will include functionality to print the self-monitoring tracker, enter data during and after the self-monitoring session and edit previous responses. Teachers will also be able to enter data on the student(s) behalf.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher who does not have access to to technology everyday, I need to print paper self-monitoring tool(s) so that my student(s) can monitor their behavior as it occurs and I can add their responses into the computer at a later time.

  • As a special education teacher with multi-age multi-level students in my caseload, I need student facing self-monitoring tools that appeal to different age groups so that my student(s) feel that self-monitoring is a respectful activity.

  • As a student who has several self-monitoring tools used in different subject areas, I need an easy way to navigate to the correct tool so that I can monitor my own behavior and maybe earn rewards!

  • As a student who doesn’t always have access to a computer during class, I need an easy way to enter my self-monitoring data on the computer later so that I will be able to do what my teacher(s) ask of me.

  • As a student who has reading difficulties, I need a self-monitoring tool that includes pictures and minimal words so that I will understand how to self-monitor.

  • As a student who needs reminders to help me be successful, I need a self-monitoring tool that shows me my goals before I begin to self-monitor so that I can be ready.

Acceptance Criteria:
  • Given the student clicks on Goal Zone and has a current Self-Monitoring tool or Contract, the behavior goal(s) will appear at the top with both images and text.

  • Given the student has a current self-monitoring tool, the Fix My Monitoring drop down contains all the back dates with locations/activities for all previous entries and/or missed entries.

  • Given the student selects a back date with location/activity within the Fix My Monitoring drop down, they are taken to the self-monitoring log screen.

  • Given the user selects responses of Yes, At Times, No, they may toggle between responses.

  • Given the user selects Done, the Great Job Pop-up appears.

  • Given the user selects Close form the Great Job Pop-up, the user is taken to the See you next time robot page.

  • Given the user selects Go Back, they are taken to the previous screen.

  • Given the user is recording self-monitoring data with with the interval setting, the start button will start the timer and the pause button will pause the timer.

  • This is where we list the acceptance criteria. Keep a bulleted list

  • Given the user selects a date and a location/activity from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring, the selection takes the user to the saved screen for previously recorded data.

  • Given the user edits their self-monitoring tool and selects the Done button, the student(s) new updates are saved.

  • This is where we list the acceptance criteria. Keep a bulleted list


Section One: Selecting Self-Monitoring Tool (Younger Student)


  • Student selects Goal Zone from the top navigation

  • Student selects Self Monitoring from the Goal Zone home screen to advance to the next screen to select their location for real time self-monitoring.

  • To edit self monitoring that was completed previously, the user selects Fix Self-Monitoring and picks from the drop down arrow for the date and location.

  • To complete self-monitoring that was from a previous date or time, the user selects Fix-Monitoring and picks from the drop down arrow for the date and location.

  • Select Contract allows the student to view a current contract if they have one.

  • To select their location, the student answers the question by clicking on the image or text.

  • Selected image shows green frame and selecting Done takes the user to the self-monitoring screen.

Business Rules:

  • We will create an additional section in the student area and title it Goal Zone (this name could be changed)

  • Goal Zone houses both Self-Monitoring and Contracts.

  • If a student has active self-monitoring and/or behavior contracts, then images for self-Monitoring will show on this screen.

    • If the student has only an active self-monitoring tool and not a contract, then only the self-monitoring image will appear on this screen

    • If the student has only an active behavior contract and not an active self-monitoring tool, then only the contract image will appear on this screen.

    • If the student does not have any current behavior contracts or self-monitoring tools, then (Should we have a message screen for this? Maybe: You do not have a self-monitoring tool or contract. Great job completing your learning goals!)

    • Student(s) may have multiple self-monitoring tools.

  • The Goal Zone home screen contains active behavior goals with images for self-monitoring and/or contracts that are taken from the create a tool for self-monitoring and/or create a behavior contract.

  • Selecting Contracts takes the user to the View Contract Screen.

  • Selecting location works as a toggle.

  • Selecting Done takes the user to the self-monitoring screen.

(note to me: move info for entering past data to another section)

Section Two: Start Monitoring Checklist, Rating Scale, Interval (Younger Student)

UI: Checklist User Flow

  • Users select Yes by clicking on the Yes text or Yes image.

  • Users select No by clicking on the No text or No image.

  • User clicks Done to submit their self-monitoring.

  • User selects Close from the pop-up.

UI: Rating Scale User Flow

  • Student rates their performance on each of the behaviors by selecting No, At Times, or Yes.

  • Users may toggle between responses.

  • Selecting Done or the arrow triggers the Great job pop-up and dims the the Done.

  • Selecting Close from the Great job pop-up, brings the user to the See you next time robot.

UI: Interval User Flow

  • Users select Start to begin the timer for self-monitoring.

  • While timer is running, users may select pause to Pause the timer and Start to resume the timer.

  • When the interval is complete, the user is prompted to answer the questions about their behavior.

  • User selects responses by clicking on Yes image/ yes text or No image/no text.

  • Selecting Save will save this response and open the review screen.

  • (Not sure how we get to final screen.)

Business Rules

  • Depending on the monitoring tool selected from the Create a Tool screen for self-monitoring, one of three user flows will occur. They include: checklist, Rating Scale and Interval.


  • Checklist is written in top left along with date and the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, a second screen will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not sure about this?)

    • (What happens if the student does not answer both questions?)

  • Checklist can contain either text and images or just text depending on the set up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • Selection of Yes or No works as a toggle.

  • Selecting Reset (What happens when Reset is selected?)

  • Selecting Done dims the Done and triggers the Great Job Pop-up and the orange robot in the left side with Great work today message.

  • Selecting Close from the Pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot slide. (Is it possible to animate the robot?)

Rating Scale:

  • Rating Scale is written in the top left along with the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, a second screen will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not sure about this?)

    • (What happens if the student does not answer both questions?)

  • Rating Scale contains either text and images or just text depending on the set-up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • Selections of No, At times, Yes work as a toggle.

  • (What happens when Reset is selected?)

  • Selecting Done dims the Done and triggers the Great Job Pop-up and the orange robot in the left side with Great work today message.

  • Selecting Close from the Pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot slide. (Is it possible to animate the robot?)

Interval Scale:

  • Interval is written in the top left along with the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, a second screen will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not sure about this?)

    • (What happens if the student does not answer both questions?)

  • Interval contains either text and images or just text depending on the set-up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • The time for each interval is selected from the Create a tool.

    • When the timer count down reaches 0 for each interval, the orange robot with the message “It’s time to check in.” and the question prompt(s) with self-assessment choices are shown to the student.

    • If the student does not self-assess at the interval(s), the timer will resume counting down for the next interval after (not sure how much time?)

  • Selections of No, Yes work as a toggle.

  • (What happens when Reset is selected?)

  • Interval Timer operation:

    • When user selects Start, the timer counts down for each interval check in.

    • While the timer is running, the start button changes to a Pause button.

      • Selecting pause will pause the timer.

      • While the timer is paused, it returns to a start button.

      • When the user selects Start, the timer resumes counting the time.

  • When the final interval is saved, the orange robot returns to say “Great job today. Let’s see how you did.” with a review screen to summarize the responses the user selected.

  • (Not sure how we get to the See you next time robot.) (Is it possible to animate the robot?)

Section Three: Viewing/Editing Past Data (Younger Students)


  • To view or edit past data, the user selects the drop down from the Fix Self-Monitoring field to find the date and location/activity to view or edit.

Image Removed
  • Job Pop-up and the orange robot in the left side with Great work today message.

  • Selecting Close from the Pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot slide. (Is it possible to animate the robot?)

Interval Scale:

  • Interval is written in the top left along with the location and/or activity.

  • Behavior goal Image(s) and/or question prompt(s) are taken from the entry fields on the Create a Tool screen and placed in this screen for the student.

    • Only two behavior goals may be shown at a time.

    • If the student has more than two behavior goals, a second screen will show with the additional behavior goals. (Not sure about this?)

    • (What happens if the student does not answer both questions?)

  • Interval contains either text and images or just text depending on the set-up selections from the Create a tool screen.

  • The time for each interval is selected from the Create a tool.

    • When the timer count down reaches 0 for each interval, the orange robot with the message “It’s time to check in.” and the question prompt(s) with self-assessment choices are shown to the student.

    • If the student does not self-assess at the interval(s), the timer will resume counting down for the next interval after (not sure how much time?)

  • Selections of No, Yes work as a toggle.

  • (What happens when Reset is selected?)

  • Interval Timer operation:

    • When user selects Start, the timer counts down for each interval check in.

    • While the timer is running, the start button changes to a Pause button.

      • Selecting pause will pause the timer.

      • While the timer is paused, it returns to a start button.

      • When the user selects Start, the timer resumes counting the time.

  • When the final interval is saved, the orange robot returns to say “Great job today. Let’s see how you did.” with a review screen to summarize the responses the user selected.

  • (Not sure how we get to the See you next time robot.) (Is it possible to animate the robot?)

Section Three: Viewing/Editing Past Data (Younger Students)


  • To view or edit past data, the user selects the drop down from the Fix Self-Monitoring field to find the date and location/activity to view or edit.

Image Added

UI: User Flow for view/edit past date for Checklist

  • Selecting from drop down takes the user to the saved checklist self-monitoring with the items the user chose circled in green.

  • User edits the checklist by selecting the updates and then selecting done.

  • Selecting Done triggers the message pop-up for great job and the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close brings the user to the See you next time robot.

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

UI: User Flow for view/edit past date for Rating Scale

  • Selecting from drop down takes the user to the saved rating scale for self-monitoring with the items the user chose circled in green.

  • User edits the rating scale by selecting the updates and then selecting done.

  • Selecting Done triggers the message pop-up for great job and the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close brings the user to the See you next time robot. text goes here

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

UI: User Flow for view/edit past date for Checklist

  • Selecting from drop down takes the user to the saved self-monitoring with the items the user chose circled in green.

  • User edits the checklist by selecting the updates and then selecting done.

  • Selecting Done triggers the message pop-up for great job and the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close brings the user to the See you next time robot.

Image RemovedImage RemovedImage RemovedImage Removed

UI: User Flow for view/edit past date for Rating Scale

Business Rules

  • Editing can be done up to one week past the date for real-time entries by selecting from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring and selecting the date/location desired.

    • Drop down selections contain only entries that are within the past 7 days.

    • If a student does not enter past data within one week then the data cannot be entered by the student.

  • Entering self-monitoring data at a later date or time is accomplished by selecting from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring and selecting the date/location desired.

Editing Checklist

Checklist saved screen includes the label Checklist


  • text goes here

Image AddedImage AddedImage AddedImage Added

Business Rules

  • Editing can be done up to one week past the date for real-time entries by selecting from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring and selecting the date/location desired.

    • Drop down selections contain only entries that are within the past 7 days.

    • If a student does not enter past data within one week then the data cannot be entered by the student.

  • Entering self-monitoring data at a later date or time is accomplished by selecting from the drop down Fix Self-Monitoring and selecting the date/location desired.

Editing Checklist

  • Checklist saved screens include the label Checklist in left top corner along with the date and location/activity that has been saved.

  • Saved Checklist includes the word Saved in the center top.

  • Student saved selections are circled in green.

  • Cursor movement to edit triggers a blue box to indicate to the user the items they are about to edit.

  • Users can toggle between answer selections in the saved/edit screen.

  • Selecting Done finalizes the student’s response and triggers the Great job pop-up with the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close from the pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot.

Editing Scale

  • Rating Scale saved screens includes the label Rating Scale in left top corner along with the date and location/activity that has been saved.

  • Saved Checklist Rating Scale includes the word Saved in the center top.

  • Student saved selections are circled in green.

  • Cursor movement to movements edit triggers a blue box to indicate to the user the items they are about to edit.

  • Users can toggle between answer selections in the saved/edit screen.

  • Selecting Done finalizes the student’s response and triggers the Great job pop-up with the orange robot message.

  • Selecting Close from the pop-up takes the user to the See you next time robot.

Editing Interval

Section Four


Business Rules

Section Five


Business Rules