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We need to update the Classroom Dashboard to reflect the addition of Behavior Plans within the Behavior Tools for Tier Level 3.

User Stories:

  • As a teacher with my own classroom, I need to create a formal behavior plan for my Tier 3 student so that I can provide intensive supports to my students who are most in need.


Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a User with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans enabled) and I have permission to Behavior Support > View the View Plans button.


Section 1: Classroom Dashboard


  • When user click on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation they are taken to the Behavior Tools screen which houses Behavior Plans on the Tier 3 screen.

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  • When user selects View Plans from the Behavior Plans card for Tier 3 supports , the View Plans/Specify Student pop-up appears.

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Business Rules:

  • Users with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans enabled) and have permission to Behavior Support > View the View Behavior button.

  • Users with permission to View classrooms will see Behavior Tools as part of the left side navigation.

  • Users belonging to an account that has purchased Behavior Support and who have permission to View Behavior Support will see this area.

  • Users who click on Behavior Tools from the left side navigation are taken to the Behavior Tools Screen where Tier 3 has Behavior Plans as an option.

  • From the Behavior Tools screen, selecting View Plans from the Behavior Plans card menu activates the View Plans/ Specify Student Pop-up.

Section 2: View Plans- Specify Student Pop-up

UI: View Plan-Specify Student Pop-up

  • To reveal a list of students in the classroom, Users click on the down arrow in the Student field to reveal a drop-down of the students listed in alphabetical order.

  • To select a student from the list, User scroll through the list and click-select a student from the list.

Business Rules:

  • View Plan/ Specify Student pop-up appears to Users with access to MTSS interventions (all tools or Behavior Plans enabled) and have permission to Behavior Support > View.

  • Clicking on drop down arrow in Student field, opens the drop down containing student names in the classroom selected.

    • Student Names

      • Student names are listed in Alphabetical order by last name.

      • Student names appear as [first name] [last name].

  • Drop down contains a blue highlighted box around the name the user is currently scrolling.

  • Clicking on the name within the blue highlighted box select that name and auto-populates it in the Student name field.

  • Clicking on View button takes the user to (TBD).

  • Clicking on Cancel, cancels any selections that have been made to the View Plans / Specify Student pop-up and returns the user to screen beneath it.

  • Clicking X (close), closes the View Plan / Specify Student pop-up returning the User to the screen beneath it and saves any selections that may have been made. (What is the uniform function of X? )