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We need to include an account setting option to select Log Rocket technology on the profile pages of our Users.

User Stories:

  • As a User who often has trouble explaining what went wrong while using a digital product, I need a way to re-create my series of interactions so that I can show a customer support representative what happened and get my issue resolved quicker.

  • As a Rethink employee who provides the highest level of care to our Users, I need a way to see a re-creation of a customer issue so that I can assess the problem and begin the solution process on behalf of the User.

  • As a Rethink developer who fixes “bugs” in our digital products, I need a way to see a re-creation of a customer issue so that I can assess if the interactions are functioning correctly.

  • As a Rethink product specialist who writes the specifications for our products, I need a way to see a re-creation of a customer issue so that I know if updates to the specifications are necessary for the product’s success.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a current user on the Education Platform, I will see the Service Replay pop-up when I first log into my account.

  • Given I am a new user setting and I did not make a selection for Log Rocket on my profile page, I will see the Service Replay pop-up when I first log into my account.


Section 1: Profile Page Default Setting


  • Upon entering the Profile Page, the User will see the Service Replay preference selection option.

  • To select Yes, User clicks to turn on toggle

  • To find out more information about Service Replay, the User clicks on or hovers over the information symbol.

  • To remove the more information pop-up, the User clicks away or moves away from the pop-up.

Business Rules:

  • New and current Users with access to the Education Platform will see the Service Replay preference selection options on their Profile Page.

  • New and current Users without access to the Education Platform will not see the Service Replay preference selection options on their Profile Page.

  • Clicking on toggle enables Service Replay. (See Yes state image)

  • A non-selection leaves the toggle off in the default state and does not enable Service Replay.

    • Non-selection triggers the Service Replay Pop-Up. (See Service Replay Pop-Up.)

  • Clicking on or hovering over the information symbol triggers the pop-up information message. (See hover state image)

  • Clicking away from or moving away from the information pop-up makes it disappear.

  • Yes box works as a toggle.

  • Users can change their selections of Yes as many times as they would like in as many instances as they would like.

    • If a User first selects Yes to enable Service Replay and then returns to the Profile screen at some later time and de-selects Yes, Service Replay will be disabled from that instance forward although the Service Replay will have captured video for the time that it was active.

  • User retains full functionality of the platform regardless of their preference choice for Service Replay.