We need to add a new training center for MTSS PD.
User Stories:
As a user, I want to access MTSS trainings, so I can learn how to implement these practices in my school.
As a user, I want to know which trainings I have already viewed, so I can keep track of what I’ve already completed.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am an educator with access to MTSS PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will see the MTSS series
Given I am an educator WITHOUT access to MTSS PD, and have clicked on My Training, I will NOT see the MTSS series
Given I have not been unassigned from any module and have completed 1 MTSS training, I will see 1/X trainings completed (number dependent on # of trainings available)
Given I have added a MTSS training to my training plan, I will see that training listed under My Training Plan
Given I have clicked on the MTSS training series, I will see all trainings I am assigned to
Given I have not started a given training module, I will see the start button and a last score of N/A.
Given I have started a training module but have not taken the test, I will see the view training button and a last score of N/A
Given I have completed a test, I will see the view training button and my highest training score.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=6844%3A0
Test Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=19287%3A226092
Add Training Block
In My Training, we will add a block called MTSS
Business Rules
Any user with access to MTSS Professional Development will have access to this series
We will show the number of trainings available to the user
Description will show: This course provides training on the key components of the integrated MTSS framework including Academic, Behavior, and Social and Emotional supports for Tiers 1, 2, and 3.
Main Training Display
The user will see a series of Filters on the left. The first filter (TYPE) will contain:
Introduction to MTSS
Effective Classrooms
Tier 1 SupportsStrategies & Interventions
Tier 2 SupportsInterventions
Tier 3 SupportsInterventions
Family & Caregiver Engagement
If the user selects Tier 1, 2, or 3, they will see a second filter for Topic:
Social Emotional
When the user selects a type/topic, the related trainings will appear on the main display
We will show a column for training topic (name) and area, a button to start/resume training, start test, and last score
Clicking on start/resume training will take the user to the training screen (same layout as SEL)
Clicking on start test will launch the test
Business Rules
Implement exact same business rules My Training>SEL for Training, Test, and Score (90% for each certificate, worth 30 minutes)
List PD modules/categories in order provided on spreadsheet from Lin
We will default to first type in the list
Only topics allocated in jrich will show
Training activities may consist of HTML5, video, PDF, PowerPoint, or PNG
Training topics and categories are subject to change. Please refer to content spreadsheet for exact language & module numbers.
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Start test
Once users click on Start Test in the Table of contents, the test popup will open for the given topic in the module.
If the user clicks to close but has not completed the test, the inputted answers will be lost and it will not count as completed in the table of contents.
If the user clicks to finish and has completed the test, it will be count as completed and the table of content will show a check next to the test.
Business Rules
All answers must be answered to activate the finish button and to count the test as completed
Once the test is completed, the check should show in the table of contents