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We need a way to view a log of all incidents and actions at the classroom and group levels. Users also need to be able to navigate to this area from Behavior dashboard.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to understand how many incidents have been reported for the students in my class, so I will know if our incidents are high or low

  • As a user, I want to view a list of the incident and action types recorded for students in my class, so I can understand any trends

  • As a user, I want to view the formal incident reports for the students in my class, so I can be fully informed about what happened


From Classroom/Group Dashboard


  • From the classroom, the user will scroll to the reports area (below Parents) or click on View results.

  • From here, the user will click on Incidents under the Behavior tab.

  • We will show a report for Incidents and one for Actions

  • Skills and SEL only accounts will not see the tabs

Business Rules

  • Users with permission to View Reports will have access to this area.

  • We will default to Incidents.

  • The user can view report as long as they have access to the students in the building where the incident occurred to View Report. If a student has moved, they will see (inactive) next to the name of the student on the report.

  • Any user with permission to View Report (under Incident Reports) will be able to view the report upon clicking the button

  • Location filter should be All, then default and custom locations logged for students from classroom in abc order

  • The default is unchecked for the show only checkbox, to not only show incidents from the classroom name but also incidents involving their students logged by other team members

  • Team members can check the show only box to see only incidents which have been logged for their classroom only

From Behavior Dashboard


  • From any tier tab in the Behavior section, the user will click View incidents.

  • From here, the user will select a classroom and then hit the select button.

  • They will then see the classroom incident report (same as above).

Business Rules

  • Any user with permission to View Reports (under Behavior Support) will have access to View incidents button.

  • All non-admin users will see classrooms they are currently assigned to

  • Classrooms will be listed alphabetically

  • Admins will see a search bar instead of the classrooms list. Admins will need to search for a classroom by name.

  • The user can view report as long as they have access to the students in the building where the incident occurred to View Report. If a student has moved, they will see (inactive) next to the name of the student on the report.

  • Any user with permission to View Report (under Incident Reports) will be able to view the report upon clicking the button

Adjust the Date


  • The user may click on Past 30 days to change the date range.

    • They will see the pre-set options of:

      • Today

      • Yesterday

      • Past 7 Days

      • Past 30 Days

      • Past 90 Days

      • Past Year

    • Alternatively they may enter a custom date range by clicking two dates as a start and end date on the calendar.

    • Once the date range has been changed, we will see this reflected on the report (in place of the text Past 30 Days).

Business Rules

  • Date range cannot be in the future.

  • The default date range will be Past 30 Days.

Stats Bar


  • The user will see the number of incidents that occurred within the selected date range

  • The stats bar will reflect the percent of students with an incident within the selected date range. The status bar will be colored based on the business rules.

  • Below the stats bar, we will show the percent of students with an incident report and the number of students with an incident report.

  • We will show a red bar for a high percentage of students with an incident within the date range

  • We will show a gold bar if there was a low percentage of students with an incident within the date range

  • If no incidents were reported within the date range, the user will see a congratulatory message.

Business Rules

  • We will show the number of incidents that occurred for students in the classroom/group where this classroom was selected on the report within the date range.

  • We will show the gold bar if incidents occurred for 79% of students or less.

  • We will show the red bar if incidents occurred for 80% of students or more.

Incidents Tab


  • Below the stats section, the user will see the name of each incident type reported within the date range, the number of occurrences for each incident type, and the number of students with each incident type reported.

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If the user clicks on the down arrow next to an incident, it will expand to show the date and time (if available) of each incident, the action taken, and the names of the students involved.

  • Next to View Report, we will show the approval status of Approved, Pending Approval, or Denied

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  • If the user clicks “View report,” the Incident Report for that occurrence will show in a modal.

  • If the user clicks the up arrow next to an incident, the details will collapse/hide.

Business Rules

  • By default, all incidents will be collapsed & no details will show.

  • When the details are expanded, we will show the names of the students involved in the incident, even if that student is no longer active or has moved to a new classroom/group.

  • Any incident recorded prior to the launch of incident report templates will use the Rethink default incident report template.

  • The user can view report as long as they have access to the students in the building where the incident occurred to View Report. If a student has moved, they will see (inactive) next to the name of the student on the report.

  • Any user with permission to View Report (under Incident Reports) will be able to view the report upon clicking the button

Actions Tab


  • When the user clicks the Actions button, the user will be taken to the actions report.

  • Below the stats bar, they will see the name of each action reported within the date range, the number of occurrences for each action, and the number of students with each action reported.

  • If the user clicks on the down arrow next to an action, it will expand to show the date and time (if available) of each action, the incident type the action was reported for, and the names of the students involved.

  • Next to View Report, we will show the approval status of Approved, Pending Approval, or Denied

  • If the user clicks “View report,” the Incident Report for that occurrence will show in a modal.

  • If the user clicks the up arrow next to an action, the details will collapse/hide.

Business Rules

  • By default, all actions will be collapsed & no details will show.

  • When the details are expanded, we will show the names of the students the action was reported for, even if that student is no longer active or has moved to a new classroom/group.

  • Any incident recorded prior to the launch of incident report templates will use the Rethink default incident report template.

  • The user can view report as long as they have access to the students in the building where the incident occurred to View Report. If a student has moved, they will see (inactive) next to the name of the student on the report.

  • Any user with permission to View Report (under Incident Reports) will be able to view the report upon clicking the button



  • If the user clicks the print button, a PDF of the report will show

  • The report will show the rethink ed logo in the upper left corner and a heading of CLASSROOM NAME’S Incident Report Log

  • We will show a sub-heading with the date range

Business Rules

  • We will print the report based on the date range selected

  • We will print the report with all incidents/actions expanded (showing all details)

  • We will not print the print/export buttons and we will not print the edit/delete buttons

  • We will print the report we are currently viewing. Meaning, if we are viewing the incidents tab, this is the report we will print.

  • If we are printing a group report, we will display the name of the group instead of the classroom name



  • If the user clicks the export button, they will be prompted to download an excel file

  • Incidents

    • show a column for:

      • Incident Type

      • Date

      • Time

      • Action Taken

      • Students Involved

  • Actions

    • show a column for

      • Action Taken

      • Date

      • Time

      • Incident Type

      • Students Involved

Business Rules

  • We will export the report based on the date range and tab (actions or incidents) selected

  • We will sort the list by date, with the most recent incident/action at the top