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We need to simplify the settings in Behavior support and Data Express into one Data Settings.

User Stories:

  • As a user, I want to understand which roles have permission to which components, so I can ensure users have the proper level of access

  • As a user, I want to select which permission settings users assigned to a custom role have, so I can ensure users have the proper level of access

Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a user assigned to Skills, Behavior, and MTSS Interventions, and SEL SEL, I will see the Data section in permissions.

  • Given I am a user assigned to Role 7, I will have permission to record data and Manage Data/ Points.

  • Given I am a user assigned to roles 5 or 6, I will have permission to record data Given I am a user assigned to roles 5 or 6, I will have permission to and Manage Data/Points if I am the highest role in district/organizationGiven I am a user assigned to roles 5 or 6, I will not have permission to Manage Data/Points if there is a role 7 in the districtfor any user at a lower role level that I have access to in my building(s)

  • Given I am a user assigned to lead teacher, multi-account lead teacher, or case manager, I will have permission to Record and Manage Data/Points of any student they currently have access that was recorded by any user of a at lower role level

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will have permission to record Record and Manage Data/Points of any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by a any user of a lower role connected at lower level assigned to their classroom

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will not have permission to Manage Data/ Points recorded by a user of a higher or equal role connected to their classroom

  • Given I am a user assigned to teacher (role 4), multi-account teacher, or related service provider, I will not have permission to Manage Data/ Points recorded by a user of a lower role NOT connected to their classroom

  • Given I am a paraprofessional, I will have permission to Record data

  • Given I am a paraprofessional, I will not have permission to Manage Data/PointsGiven I am a user assigned to a custom role currently set with permission to edit incident tracking, points or data tracking will have permission to Manage Data/Points

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that previously had permission to Enter Data (Data Express), I will have permission to Record Data.

  • Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that previously had permission to Delete Others data (Data Express), I will have permission to Manage Data/Points.Given I am a user assigned to a custom role that is marked “is admin”, I will have permission to Record Data and Manage Data/Points.

  • Given I am a family member, I will NOT have permission to Record Data or Manage Data/Points

Data permissions


  • Please rename Data Express to Data Tracking

  • The Data permissions will be:

  1. Record Data (replaces Data express: Enter data): If you can record data, then you can edit data you have recorded and delete data you have recorded, then you . You can only edit your data unless you have manage Manage Data/Points permission, then you can update data points of users with lower role.

  2. Manage Data/Points ( replaces Data Express: Delete others data and unmaster target)

Business Rules

  • Record Data allows users to enter data ( Points, skills, and behavior data) for all students they currently have access to and to view a previously created data for all students they have access to. This also allows the user to delete data points that they entered.

  • Manage Data/Points allows users to edit/ delete data for any student they currently have access to that was entered by any user at a lower role level AND unmaster targets that were mastered by any user at a lower role level. Custom roles will only be able to edit/delete their own data and unmaster targets that they mastered.

  • Data section in permissions will show for Skills, Behavior, and MTSS Interventions

  • By default, Record Data will be enabled for the following roles:

    • Role7

    • Role 6

    • Role 5

    • Lead Teacher

    • Lead multi-account teacher

    • Multi-account teacher

    • Case Manager

    • TeacherCase Manager

    • Related Service Provider

    • Paraprofessionals

    • Any custom role that currently has data Data Express: Enter Data enabled

  • By default, Manage Data/ Points will be enabled for the following roles:

    • Role7

    • Role 6 ( of any user at lower level)

    • Role 5 ( of any user at lower level)

    • Lead Teacher ( of for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to)

    • Lead Multi-account teacher ( of for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level for any student they currently have access to)

    • Case Manager ( or any student they currently have access that was recorded by any user at lower level)

    • Teachers ( of for any student they currently have access that was recorded by any user at lower level assigned to their classroom)

    • Multi-account teachers ( of any user at lower level )Case Manager for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level assigned to their classroom)

    • Related Service Provider ( of any user at lower level )

    By default, Teachers and Multi-Account Teachers will have permission to:

    • Record Data

    • Manage Data/Points ( of for any student they currently have access to that was recorded by any user at lower level connected assigned to their classroom)

  • Family Members will NOT have permission to Record or Manage Data/Points

    Any custom role currently set with permission to edit incident tracking, or data tracking will have permission to:

    Manage Data points

  • Any custom role that currently has access to Enter Data (Data Express)

    • Record Data

  • Any custom role that currently has access to Delete Others Data and Unmaster Target (Data Express)

    • Manage Data/Points

    As a note, family members (parents) will only be able to view reports once a user has shared it with them. They will have access to nothing else at this time.