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We need to create a way to connect users who have purchased SEL from the MTSS Plan to SEL assignments. Linking users from a plan documenting SEL goals for students to the SEL lessons and associated progress is a key differentiator for us in the MTSS space. This serves to save educators time and reduce the number of vendors a district needs to partner with in order to fully implement MTSS in their district.

User Stories:

  • As a user creating a SEL MTSS Plan, I want to select SEL assignments for my student, so that I do not have to go searching for SEL lessons for my student.

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to modify the SEL assignment, so I can ensure my student’s needs are met.

  • As a user viewing an assignment for SEL that is connected to an MTSS SEL Plan, I want to view the plan, so I can make any modifications to the plan and assignment.

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to view my student’s score on the SEL assignment, so I can assess if my student if making progress.

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan that is not connected to a SEL assignment, I want to enter a score,so I can justify student progress.

User Story

  • As a user creating a SEL MTSS Plan, I want to select SEL assignments for my student, so that I do not have to go searching for SEL lessons for my student.


  • The user will click the Add SEL Assignment button

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  • This will open a modal allowing the user to search for a related SEL assignment

  • The user will click the next button to advance to the create assignment screen

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  • Assignment modal will work as it does today when creating an assignment from student-specific lesson library for SEL.

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  • Clicking Cancel or X will close the modal and return the over to the search assignment screen

  • Clicking Save will save the assignment and return the user to the MTSS Plan.

  • The MTSS Plan will now show the connected assignment.

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Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with access to SEL Lessons, I will see the Add SEL Assignment button

  • Given I am a user without access to SEL Lessons, I will not see the Add SEL Assignment button

  • Given I have saved an assignment, the assignment will be created for the student and will show in Manage Assignments and the Student Center.

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to modify the SEL assignment, so I can ensure my student’s needs are met.


Acceptance Criteria

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan with a connected SEL assignment, I want to view my student’s score on the SEL assignment, so I can assess if my student if making progress.


Acceptance Criteria

User Story

  • As a user viewing a SEL MTSS Plan that is not connected to a SEL assignment, I want to enter a score,so I can justify student progress.


Acceptance Criteria

User Story

  • As a user viewing an assignment for SEL that is connected to an MTSS SEL Plan, I want to view the plan, so I can make any modifications to the plan and assignment.


Acceptance Criteria