We need to create a template for Behavior Plans so that the User can customize the behavior plan form.
This section will change depending on Chris’s design.
User Stories:
As a single school admin, I need to be able to easily adapt a behavior plan template to meet the requirements of my state and ensure that all of my staff is using the same behavior plan.
I am an single school admin user who needs to establish the alert criteria for my staff so that they will receive timely information on the status of upcoming behavior plans.
Acceptance Criteria:
Given I am a multiple school District- Level Administrator with access to MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior plans enabled) AND who is a Role 7 (if multiple account levels exist) and permission to Behavior Support → Add/Edit Templates, I will be able to customize the behavior plan form. Given I am a single school Administrator with access MTSS Intervention Tracking (all tools or behavior plans enabled) AND who is a Role 5 (no child accounts exist) and permission to Behavior Support → , I will have be able to customize the behavior plan form.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/gdwMnbpudJxuzVrORrOGvd/Ed-Member-Site-UX?node-id=21739%3A198859
Section 1: Overview
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