Versions Compared


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  • Count each question response as an event towards overall reporting

  • Must be able to export assessment report on Team/Client level and across all Teams based on time range selected

    • Responses does not have to be anonymized; CS/clinical will be the audience, they will want to see all the responses

    • Each question + response should be tracked as an individual event if possible

      • E.g. if user answers 6 questions for Stress assessment, count as 6 events

    • Else, track any actions taken with each Assessment as 1 event each

      • E.g. if user answers 1 or 6 questions for Stress, treat as 1 event

    • Sample report: Assessment Outcome Report Template

      • Fields: Assessment, Pre/Post, Status, AccountID, UserID, Start Date, End Date, Device, Questions (each question should be its own column)

    • User can access this through Report tab on Jrich

      • New page on dropdown called Assessment Report

      • Page should include:

        • Client (search option, include All as first option)

        • Time Range

        • Email
