Release Type: Regular
Impacted Services: Rethink API’s
Appointments | Field/Parameter Description |
Added new field, appointmentStatusId. | AppointmentStatusId integer($int32) example: 1 AppointmentStatusId (UTC) |
Added new field, billingCodeCredentialId. | BillingCodeCredentialId integer($int32) |
Search - Added "IncludeDeleted" parameter to include the deleted appointments. | IncludeDeleted boolean (query) Indicates whether response includes deleted records or not Example : true |
ClientAuthorization | Field/Parameter Description |
Added, diagnosis, that takes in diagnosisCode assign to authorization. | diagnosisCode* string |
Added, diagnosis, that takes in diagnosisTypeId to assign to authorization. | diagnosisCode* string |
Added, diagnosis, that takes in diagnosisTypeId to assign to authorization. | DiagnosisTypeId integer($int32) |
Removed restriction on authorization number. | N/A |
BillingCodes | Field/Parameter Description |
Removed restriction on same billing code names to be added. | N/A |
ClientStatuses | Field/Parameter Description |
Added fields isActive | IsActive boolean |
Added field isDemo | IsDemo boolean |
Clients | Field/Parameter Description |
Search - Added a "IncludeDeleted" parameter to include the deleted clients. | IncludeDeleted boolean (query) Indicates whether response includes deleted records or not Example : true |
Added field, stateAbbreviation.
| StateAbbreviation String nullable: true |
Added field authorizationDistributionTypeId | AuthorizationDistributionTypeId integer($int32) |
Added Field totalNumberOfUnits | totalNumberOfUnits |
Added field childProfileReferringProviderId | childProfileReferringProviderId integer($int32) |
Locations | Field/Parameter Description |
Fixed validation for NPI. | N/A |
Fixed fields, additionalLocationId and additionalLocationIdentifierType to be correctly updated and returned. | N/A |
Funders | Field/Parameter Description |
All - made sure stateLU is correctly populated. | N/A |
StaffSatuses | Field/Parameter Description |
Added field, isActive. | IsActive boolean |
StaffCredentials | Field/Parameter Description |
Search - Added a "IncludeAttachment" parameter to include the staff credential attachments. | IncludeDeleted boolean (query) Indicates whether response includes deleted records or not Example : true |
StaffMember | Field/Parameter Description |
Search - Removed returning deleted staff locations/availability/etc when including deleted flag set to true and only return deleted staff members. | N/A |
All | Field/Parameter Description |
Updated fields, DateLastModified, DateCreated, DateDeleted, to be UTC time and have correct UTC format. | N/A |