Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • User selects Edit button to edit the phase change line.

  • User clicks on text box and types to update the Phase Change information.

  • User selects Save when finished.

Image RemovedImage Added
  • User sees update phase change information on the graph and list below.

Image RemovedImage Added

Business Rules:

  • Functionality for editing the phase change line applies to all of the data collection types.

  • Given user select Edit, then the text entry box will show. (See image: Edit)

  • Text entry box holds up to 25 characters.

    • If user enters text enters more than 25 characters, then we will truncate their entry.

  • Given user text enters their updates to the phase change line and selects save (See image: Text Entry), then both the graph and the list below will show the users updates. (See image: Edited Phase Change)

Filtering By date


  • User selects date

  • Phase changes will show if they apply to selected date

  • The phase change will show in same order that it was logged for a given date. If the user logged data, then noted phase change, and then added another data point, they would show in that same order for the given date.

Image Added

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a team member connected to a student, I will be able to filter the data details for my student by date

  • Given I am a team member connected to a student, I will be able to select from a list of dates when I have logged data points

  • Given I am a team member connected to a student, I will be able to view the phase change lines that happened in chronological order after last data point for a given date

Filtering by location


  • User selects location

  • All data points for given location show in order of most recent to oldest order in details with the phase change listed after last data point for same date

  • If a data point was not logged but a phase change was created it will show chronologically after last data point or phase change

  • If both location and date are selected, the data points for a given date and location will show with most recent at top to oldest logged, The phase change lines will show in order logged by date

Image Added

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a team member connected to a student, I will be able to filter the data details for my student by location

  • Given I am a team member connected to a student, I will be able to select from a list of the locations that I have logged data points

  • Given I am a team member connected to a student, I will be able to view the phase change lines that happened in chronological order after last data point for a given date