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We need a flow for reconnecting behavior tracking and behavior plan when either has been archived.


From Behavior Tracking

User Story:

As a teacher who is making changes to Behavior Tracking, I need to understand how my decisions will impact the Behavior Plan that has these behaviors in it so that I can manage both effectively.


  • To change an archived behavior tracking, the user clicks on Change status button.

  • The Change Status pop-up shows.

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Select Make Active

  • To make the behavior tracking Active, user clicks on Make Active from pop-up and the confirmation is shown.

Select Delete

  • To delete the behavior tracking, user clicks on Delete from the pop-up (See image: Pop-up) and is shown the explanation message.

  • Selecting Delete button, deletes the Behavior Tracking.

  • Selecting Cancel or X keeps the Behavior Tracking Archived.

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given an Archived behavior tracking that is part of a behavior plan is made active, the user can:

    • Attach Re-attach it to an existing behavior plan

    • Attach it to a new behavior plan

    • Resume behavior tracking with or without having it attached to a Behavior Plan.

  • Given an Archived behavior tracking that is part of a behavior plan is deleted, then

    • the user can no longer use this behavior tracking

    • the user cannot reattach it to an existing or new behavior plan.

    • the behavior plan where it is attached becomes archived and cannot be reactivated.

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From Behavior Plan

User Story:

As a teacher who is making changes to Behavior Plan, I need to understand how my decisions will impact the Behavior Tracking(s) connected to the plan so that I can manage both effectively.


Acceptance Criteria