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We need to create a way to connect users who have purchased Behavior OR MTSS Interventions from the MTSS Plan to Behavior Tools. Linking users from a plan documenting Behavior goals for students to the Behavior Tools and associated progress is a key differentiator for us in the MTSS space. This serves to save educators time and reduce the number of vendors a district needs to partner with in order to fully implement MTSS in their district.


User Flows:

User Stories:

  • As a user creating a Behavior MTSS Plan, I want to select Behavior tools to use for my student, so I do not have to go searching somewhere else for behavior supports for my student.

  • As a user viewing a Behavior MTSS Plan with a connected behavior tool, I want to modify the tool, so I can ensure my student’s needs are met.

  • As a user viewing a Behavior MTSS Plan with a connected behavior tool, I want to view my student’s progress/score, so I can assess if my student is making progress on this plan.

User Story

  • As a user creating a Behavior MTSS Plan, I want to select Behavior tools to use for my student, so I do not have to go searching somewhere else for behavior supports for my student.


  • The user clicks the Add / Remove behavior tools button

  • A modal will open when the user clicks the Add / Remove behavior tools button.

  • The user clicks Connect to plan to add the behavior tool to the Intervention Plan

  • The user clicks Remove to remove a connected behavior tool from the Intervention Plan

  • The user sees the message “Connected!” for a behavior tool that is already connected to the Intervention Plan.

  • The user clicks Close button to close the modal.

  • The user sees the addition or removal of the selected behavior tools on the Intervention Plan when they click the Close button.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user with access to Behavior or MTSS Interventions, then I will see the link to Behavior tools on the Intervention Plan - Behavior.

  • Given I am a user without access to Behavior or MTSS Interventions, then I will not see the link to Behavior tools on the Intervention Plan - Behavior.

  • We will remove Contracts and Self-Monitoring from the Add Intervention drop down because they will be moved to the Behavior Tools modal.

  • Given I am a user who clicks the Add / Remove behavior tools button, I will see the Connecting Behavior Tools modal (See image: Connecting Behavior Tools modal).

  • Only Behavior Tools from the current school year may be added to the Behavior MTSS Plan.

  • The modal will allow users to connect the following behavior tools from the current school year to the plan:

    • Behavior Points

    • Incidents

    • Self-Monitoring

    • Behavior Tracking

    • Behavior Contracts

    • Behavior Plan

  • Given I am a user who clicks the Connect to plan link, then the behavior tool will be connected to the Intervention Plan.

    • The user will click Close and the user will see the attached behavior tool.

    • All behavior tools for the selected behavior tool type will be attached to the Behavior MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who does not click the Connect to plan link, the behavior tool will not be connected to the plan.

  • Given I am a user who has added a behavior tool to the Intervention Plan, then I will see a confirmation message, “Connected!” on the behavior tool card (See image: Connecting Behavior Tools modal).

  • Given I am a user who has connected/added a behavior tool to the intervention plan, I will be able to remove the behavior tool from the Intervention Plan by clicking “Remove” on the behavior tool card below the “Connected!” message.

    • Given I am a user who has clicked Remove on the behavior tool card, I will be able to add the behavior tool to the plan again by clicking the Connect to plan link.

    • Given I am a user who has clicked Remove on the behavior tool card, I will not see the Behavior Tool attached to the MTSS Plan.

    • Given I am a user who has clicked Remove on the behavior tool card, I will see the Connect to plan link and I will not see the Connected! and Remove messages.

  • Given I am a user who clicks the Close button on the modal or the “X” in the top right of the modal, then the modal will close and the user will return to the Intervention Plan - Behavior.

  • If the user has connected a behavior tool to the plan, then they will see under Behavior Tools a card/table for the selected behavior tool.

User Story

  • As a user viewing a Behavior MTSS Plan with a connected behavior tool, I want to modify the behavior tool so that I can ensure the needs of my student are met.


  • The user clicks the blue View link on each on the attached Behavior Tools card to view the behavior tool.

  • The user clicks the blue Create on the Behavior Tool to create the behavior tool that is attached to the MTSS Plan.

  • The user sees the Create Self-Monitoring tool.

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Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on a behavior tool, I should only see the behavior tool(s) for the specific student on the MTSS Plan.

  • Given the user clicks View, they will be able to go back to the previous screen (the Behavior MTSS Plan) by clicking back button.

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on Behavior Points > Positive, I will be taken to the Student Behavior Dashboard > Points screen to view the Points information: Total Points, Number of Positive Behaviors, Number of Negative Behaviors, and Details for each.

    • If the user clicks Record behaviors, then they will see the modal to record behavior points for the student.

    • Given a user has recorded additional behavior points for the student, then the occurrences and percentages will be updated on the attached behavior tool (Behavior Points) on the MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on Behavior Points > Negative, I will be taken to the Student Behavior Dashboard > Points screen to view the Points information: Total Points, Number of Positive Behaviors, Number of Negative Behaviors, and Details for each.

    • If the user clicks Record behaviors, then they will see the modal to record behavior points for the student

    • Given a user has recorded additional behavior points for the student, then the occurrences and percentages will be updated on the attached behavior tool (Behavior Points) on the MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on Self-Monitoring, I will be taken to the specific Self-Monitoring tool for the student.

    • If the user wants to edit the Self-Monitoring tool, they must first click Deactivate to deactivate the Self-Monitoring tool.

    • The user cannot edit the Self-Monitoring tool when the status is Active.

    • Given the user has modified the Self-Monitoring tool, the details will be shown in the attached behavior tool in the MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who has attached a Behavior Contract, I will click view to view the specific Behavior Contract attached to the MTSS Plan.

    • Given the user clicks Edit to modify the contract, they will see a Pop-Up warning that states a draft copy of the contract is created and will need to be submitted for approval. The current contract is Active until it is replaced or the status is changed.

    • Given the user clicks Yes to proceed on the pop-up, they will be able to make edits to the draft copy of the contract and re-submit for approval.

    • Given the user clicks No on the pop-up, then the user will not be able to make edits to modify the contract.

    • Given a user has created a draft copy of the contract to modify the contract, the Active contract will remain attached to the MTSS Plan until the user makes the modified, approved contract Active.

    • If the user modifies the contract, receives an Approved status, and makes the contract Active, then the changes will show on the attached behavior tool in the Behavior MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who has attached a Behavior Tracking, I will click view to view the specific Behavior Tracking attached to the Behavior Tracking card in MTSS Plan.

    • Given the user clicks Edit when viewing the Behavior Tracking, they will be able to modify the Behavior Tracking.

    • If the user has made modifications to the Behavior Tracking, then the changes will show on the attached behavior tool in the MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who has attached Incidents, I will click view to view the specific Incident Reports attached to the Incident card in MTSS Plan.

    • The user will not be able to edit or modify an Approved Incident Report.

    • The user will be able to View the Approved Incident Report.

  • Given I am a user who has attached a Behavior Plan, I will click view to view the specific Behavior Plan attached to the Behavior Plan card in MTSS Plan.

    • Given the user clicks Edit to modify the Behavior Plan, they will see a Pop-Up warning that states a draft copy of the Behavior Plan is created and will need to be submitted for approval. The current Behavior Plan is Active until it is replaced or the status is changed.

    • Given the user clicks Yes to proceed on the pop-up, they will be able to make edits to the draft copy of the Behavior contract and re-submit for approval.

    • If the user has made modifications to the Behavior Plan and those changes are approved, then the changes will show on the attached behavior tool in the Behavior MTSS Plan.


  • Given I am a user who has added a behavior tool to the MTSS Plan that has not yet been created for that student, I will see a blue Create link with a plus sign. (See image: Create Tool)

  • If the user clicks the blue Create link with a plus sign, then they will be taken to that specific behavior tool to set up and start the behavior tool for the student.

  • Given the user has created the behavior tool for the student, the behavior tool card attached to the MTSS Plan will reflect the Behavior Tool details (See below: MTSS Plan Behavior Tool(s) Attached)

User Story

  • As a user viewing a Behavior MTSS Plan with a connected behavior tool, I want to view my student’s progress/score, so I can assess if my student is making progress on this plan.


  • The user clicks the blue View link on each on the attached Behavior Tools card to view the behavior tool.

  • The user clicks View on Behavior Points Positive or Negative and is taken to the Student Behavior Dashboard > Points.

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  • The user clicks View on Self-Monitoring tool and is taken to the specific Self-Monitoring Tool in view mode.

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Acceptance Criteria

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on a behavior tool, I should only see the behavior tool(s) for the specific student on the MTSS Plan.

  • Given the user clicks View, they will be able to go back to the previous screen (the Behavior MTSS Plan) by clicking back button.

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on Behavior Points > Positive, I will be taken to the Student Behavior Dashboard > Points screen to view the Points information. (See image: Behavior Dashboard, Points)

    • User clicks carrot icon to expand details for Positive Behavior Points.

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on Behavior Points > Negative, I will be taken to the Student Behavior Dashboard > Points screen to view the Points information. (See image: Behavior Dashboard, Points)

    • User clicks carrot icon to expand details for Negative Behavior Points.

  • Given I am a user who clicks View on Self-Monitoring, I will be taken to the specific Self-Monitoring tool. (See image: View self-monitoring)

    • User clicks View data to view the student progress.

  • Given I am a user who has attached a Behavior Contract, I will click view to view the specific Behavior Contract attached to the MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who has attached a Behavior Tracking, I will click view to view the specific Behavior Tracking attached to the Behavior Tracking card in MTSS Plan.

    • Given the user has entered one or more data points in Data Express for the Behavior Tracking, the user will click View Data to view the data.

    • The View Data button will remain inactive until the user records at least one data point.

  • Given I am a user who has attached Incidents, I will click view to view the specific Incident Reports attached to the Incident card in MTSS Plan.

  • Given I am a user who has attached a Behavior Plan, I will click view to view the specific Behavior Plan attached to the Behavior Plan card in MTSS Plan.

MTSS Plan Behavior Tool(s) Attached

  • We will display the following information on each behavior tool card/table:

    • Behavior Points card will display Positive, the number of occurrences for positive behaviors, the percentage, and Action.

    • Behavior Points card will display Negative, the number of occurrences for negative behaviors, the percentage and Action.

    • Self-Monitoring card will display Behavior Goal, Data Method, Location, Status, and Action.

    • Behavior Contract Card will display Behavior Goal, Review Data, Status, and Action.

    • Behavior Tracking Card will display Behavior, Data Method, Last Recorded date, Status, and Action.

    • Incidents card will display Behavior(s), location, date, and Action.

    • Behavior Plan card will display Behavior(s), Review Data, Status, and Action.