Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

where it lives on the website

SEL Assessment - familiar with the site

Group score report, % agree norm group

Broward not interested in adding items to the assessment, want to keep items in tack

In addition to those casel items being aligned to five sub scores, they want to add a 6th sub score for resilience → shown in subscore column

Do RethinkEd domain/area need to be updated if we add a resilience score to ERB Self Assessment

Item is not changing, compute the norm based on the data use supply

Which questions go to the new resilience subcategory

seed palms, resilience standards

Grade Bands: Different test forms/surveys for each grade band, there are three alignments not just one due to this

4-5 resilience standards, will not be shown in assessments, just the sub category resilience. We will have the standards sent to us to share as needed

Program Tools > Assessment

Group Score Report section

Resilience Title, small paragraph definition of resilience scores

ERB to deliver Raw score combination of items to a scaled score for percentiles (RS > SS excel)

ERB Form Planner (list of questions related to resilience), will send example and when alignment is complete

Ask about the previous data display, is it empty

GRSS Table

currently 0-4

0 = very low

1 = low

2 = average

3 = high

4 = very high

Student Score Report

Adding resilience to the total score list

Replicate design for resilience score

The five boxes represent the raw score to the student scaled score as the number shown

Definition for student resilience section

Classroom rating scale: Do we need to update resilience to be in the classroom rating scale?

SEL Assessment Admin Report

Group Score Report

User Story:

As an admin user in Florida, I want to view the Wellness and Life Skills Assessment Group Score Report so that I can evaluate the assessment results by district, region, building, or classroom.


  • User will click: Program Tools > Assessments > View Report Wellness and Life Skills Assessment

Image Added
  • User will view the Wellness and Life Skills Report

  • Wellness and Life Skills will replace Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

    • Titles

    • Dropdown heading titles for one or two selected assessments to view

  • Resilience section will be added to the bottom right corner.

    • Title: Resilience

    • Description (will be provided by ERB)

    • Graphic display for scores

  • User can click Rethink Lesson Areas to view a pop-up with the Rethink Lesson Areas for the category.

Image Added

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The SEL student self-assessment will be named Wellness and Life Skills Assessment for Florida users. Navigation Path: Program Tools > Assessments > Wellness and Life Skills Assessment

  • Given the user wants to assign the assessment by district, grade, building, classroom or student, they will click Assign.

  • Given the user wants to view an assessment report by district, region, building, or classroom, they will click view report to select their view.

  • Given the user is in Florida, Wellness and Life Skills will replace Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

    • Heading titles

    • Dropdown selection heading titles

    • Body paragraphs (How to user these reports and Total Score)

  • Given the user is not in Florida, they will not see the assessment title Wellness and Life Skills Assessment.

  • No questions will be added to the assessment; the assessment will stay 46 questions.

  • We will be adding a 6th casel/subscore category titled Resilience in the Group Score Report, Group Item Analysis Report, and Group Item Anaylsis Roster Report.

  • Given the user is located outside of Florida, they will not see the Resilience casel/subscore category.

  • ERB will communicate provide which assessment questions will correspond to the Resilience category.

  • Once the assessment questions with the Resilience category are received, the RethinkEd Domain and Rethink Area will need to be assessed and updated as necessary.

  • Graph labels will be the season and year (See image:

  • Given I am a user who wants to understand the Group Score Report, I will view the assessment key.

  • The assessment key will show the number on the Group Report Scaled Score (0-4) and the category for that number.

    • 0 : Very Low

    • 1 : Low

    • 2 : Average

    • 3 : High

    • 4 : Very High

  • ERB will provide Raw Score combination of items to a Scaled Score (RS > SS file)

  • ERB will provide Form Planner (Grade Band, Questions, Subscore alginments) that include Resilience.

Group Item Analysis Report

User Story

As an admin user in Florida, I want to view the Wellness and Life Skills Assessment Group Item Analysis Report so that I can evaluate the assessment results by district, region, building, or classroom.


  • User will click Group Item Analysis Report tab on the Wellness and Life Skills Assessment screen.

  • Wellness and Life Skills will replace Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

    • Heading Titles

    • Dropdown heading titles for one or two selected assessments to view

  • Resilience will be added to the subscore column for certain questions.

Image Added

Acceptance Criteria

  • Given the user is in Florida, Wellness and Life Skills will replace Social Emotional Learning (SEL)

    • Heading titles

    • Dropdown selection heading titles

    • Body paragraphs (How to user these reports and Total Score)

  • Resilience will be added to the subscore column.

  • Given the user is viewing the subscore column and a question is categorized as Resilience, they will see the original subscore with a comma followed by the word Resilience (See image: Group Item Analysis Report)

  • ERB will provide which questions will have the Resilience subscore added.

Group Roster Report

User Story

As an admin user in Florida, I want to view the Classroom Wellness and Life Skills Assessment Group Roster Report so that I can evaluate the assessment results of the students in the classroom.


Image Added

Acceptance Criteria

Student Score Report

User Story:


  • Wellness and Life Skills will replace Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

    • Titles

    • Dropdown heading titles for one or two selected assessments to view

  • Resilience section will be added to the bottom right corner.

    • Title: Resilience

    • Description (will be provided by ERB)

    • Graphic display for scores

  • User can click Rethink Lesson Areas to view a pop-up with the Rethink Lesson Areas for the category.

Acceptance Criteria:

  • The title of this assessment will now be Wellness and Life Skills Assessment.

  • The SEL student self-assessment will be named Wellness and Life Skills Assessment for Florida users.

  • Given the user clicks the filter to select one or two assessments to view, the filters will now be titled Wellness and Life Skills (Fall or Spring) (Year).

  • We will add Resilience to the description in the Total Score list.

  • In the Total Score description, Wellness and Life Skills will replace Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) will be removed and replaced with Wellness and Life Skills for Florida users.

  • Given the district and school are located in Florida, a Resilience section will be added to the Wellness and Life Skills Assessment Student Score Report.

  • The Resilience section will be added to the bottom right corner of the report.

  • ERB will provide a description of Resilience for the Student Score Report.

  • We will follow the current logic for displaying data information.

  • Given a user clicks Rethink Lesson Areas, they will see the pop up that shows the Rethink Lesson Areas (This feature is in the Group Reports)

The five boxes represent the raw score to the student scaled score as the number shown

Admin Report

User Story:


Acceptance Criteria: