Versions Compared


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We need to see all of the intervention plans created for each student and a quick visual reference of the progress of each of them. We need to also include the three variations for SEL.


User Story:

As an educator who is looking at the student view for the MTSS Dashboard, I need to see the full history of intervention plans created for the student so that I can use historical data as a foundation for creating future intervention plans.

UI:Image Removed

Image Added

Creating a new Intervention

  • To create an intervention plan, user clicks on Create Plan button.

  • User is taken to Create Intervention plan on the ELA tab.

Image Added

Viewing an Existing Intervention

  • To view an existing intervention plan, the user clicks on the rectangle card of their choice.

Image Added

Select Notice

Acceptance Criteria

  • As a default, we will show each of the headings: ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL. (See image: Intervention Plan Tab)

  • Given the district has another name for SEL, then

    SEL Differences

    • For users who have MTSS (all tools) and Wellness, we will show that name as the heading SEL. (Example: Wellness, Life Skills and Wellness)

    • For users who have MTSS (all tools) and and Wellness/Life Skills we will show the heading Wellness in place of SEL

Creating a new Intervention

  • Given user has selected to the Create Plan button, they are taken to the create intervention plan tab for that specific content area and student in Intervention Plan.

User Story:

As an educator with SEL-Wellness who is looking at the student view for the MTSS Dashboard, I need to see the full history of intervention plans created for the student so that I can use historical data as a foundation for creating future intervention plans.


Different UI

Acceptance Criteria

User Story:

As an educator with SEL-Life Skills and Wellness who is looking at the student view for the MTSS Dashboard, I need to see the full history of intervention plans created for the student so that I can use historical data as a foundation for creating future intervention plans.


Different UI

Acceptance Criteria
  • (See image: Create Tab)

Viewing an existing Intervention

  • Given user selects the box containing a current intervention plan below the column header (Status: Pre-planning, or In-progress), then they are taken to that intervention plan to review or continue working on it. (See: box beneath SEL for Tier 2 Pre-planning).

Intervention Plan Collection

  • We will show all plans created for a student beneath the column header in order of the most recent to the least recent.

  • We will show the tag indicating if the plan is in Pre-planning, In-progress, Mastered, Archived. (See: Intervention Plan for more information.)

  • We will identify tier levels of plans that are currently in Pre-planning, or In-progress in with yellow for Tier 2 and Red for Tier 3.

  • Given a Notice was triggered, then we will show the notice tag and the message: Would you like to create an intervention?

    • Given user selects the