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We need a way for Admin and non-admin with permission to view reports users to see a view the classroom report by ELA so that they can make informed decisions for MTSS Interventions for both the staff and the students in their district. We need to make sure that if the admin has clicked on a classroom from the admin dashboard that they can easily return to the report that they were looking at before they selected the classroom.


User Story

As a district/building level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to view a classroom through an ELA only lens.


  • Admin can view a classroom report by clicking on a classroom row in the admin dashboard.

  • They can also visit a classroom and then click on reports to see as well

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  • The user will see the students in alphabetical order by last name.

  • The user will see the most recent ELA assessment tile selected with green square

  • The user will see the Tier 3 and Tier 2 % based on the most recent ELA assessment

  • They can filter by grade, tier, gender, race, IEP, FRL. Housing, 504, EP

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top nav, I will see a list of buildings for a selected district

  • Given I am a single building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top nav, I will see a list of grade levels for my building

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top nav, I will see the most recent assessment selected and the tiers based on that assessment will show for each building

Overview Dropdown: Building, Grade, Student

Intervention Status:

Tier: All Tiers, Tier 3, Tier 2, Tier 1

Grade Filter: Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, …12th Grade

Race: American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Two or More Races, White

IEP: All Statuses, All General Ed, All IEP (Special Ed and Gifted), IEP (Special Ed), GIEP (Gifted)

FRL: All Statuses, FRL, Non-FRL

Housing Status: All Statuses, Homeless, Not Homeless

504: All Statuses, 504 Plans, No 504 Plan

EP: All Statuses, Fluent (Non-ELL Student), All ELL Student, Entering (Low Beginner), Emerging (High Beginner), Developing (Low Intermediate), Expanding (High Intermediate), Bridging (Proficient)

User Story

As a non-admin or admin with permission to View Reports I need to be able to view a classroom through an ELA only lens from the Classroom.


  • Non-admin or admin with permission to view reports can visit a classroom

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  • They can select Overview and click on MTSS or click on MTSS in the side navigation to see the classroom report for the given classroom

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I select ELA from the top nav, I will see a list of buildings for a selected district

User Story

As an admin who clicked to investigate a classroom report from the admin reports, I want to be able to easily get back to the admin reports that I was viewing before with the same filters engaged.


Acceptance Criteria:

User Story

As a district level admin overseeing building(s), I need to be able to select past ELA scores and see suggested Tiers at that point in time.


  • Admin can view the past ELA scores by selecting the past ELA circle graph

  • The suggested tiers for that given assessment will show below and the green square will move to selected past ELA assessment

  • They can filter by grade, tier, gender, race, IEP, FRL. Housing, 504, EP

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Acceptance Criteria:

  • Given I am a multi-building user with permission to View Admin Dashboard and I have the MTSS Interventioncomponent and I can select a past ELA assessment, I will see the suggested tiers update based on the results at that point in time.

  • See Assessment Integration for mapping of Student Identifier, Renaissance and Powerschool.

  • See Renaissance for ELA (Star Reading, Star Early Literacy), mapping information for contents of graphs.

    • Mapping Connection:

      • Follow AssessmentType naming:

        • Star Reading and Star Early Literacy=ELA

      • Tiering will be based exclusively on the most recent value of the RenaissanceBenchmarkCategoryName column for each student, where most recent is determined by the CompletedDateLocal column and each student is identified by StudentUserID column.