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We need to provide users a way to customize settings for Tier Levels.

Notes: need to including testing window and cannot edit when testing window begins. → Are we allowing them to change the information at any time?

Need a pop-up that says we cannot edit.


User Story:

As a district level administrator who is setting up the tier level settings for the upcoming year, I need to customize the tier level settings for At or Above benchmark, On Watch, Intervention and Urgent Intervention so that I can get the students an intervention plan quicker.


  • Under Account Setup > Account Settings, we will add a section for MTSS Dashboard.

  • The user will see tabs for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance

  • The user clicks the ELA tab.

Acceptance Criteria


  • Given I am an admin user at an account where MTSS Dashboard has been allocated, I will see the Dashboard Settings in Account Setup

  • Given I am an admin user at an account where MTSS Dashboard has not been allocated, I will not see the Dashboard Settings in Account Setup

  • Given I am a user who clicks MTSS Dashboard, I will see tabs for ELA, Math, Behavior, SEL, and Attendance.

  • Given I am a user at an account where SEL/Wellness/Life Skills and Wellness has been allocated, I will see the SEL/Wellness/Life Skills and Wellness tab.

    • The title of this tab will change based on the state.

  • Given I am a user at an account where SEL/Wellness/Life Skills and Wellness has NOT been allocated, I will NOT see the SEL/Wellness/Life Skills and Wellness tab.


  • Given the user clicks the ELA tab in the MTSS Dashboard settings, then they will see sections for all ELA assessments.

  • Given the user hovers over the information icon, they will view a definition description for Percentile Rank.

  • Given the user has not clicked Edit, they will not be able to change the Tier level settings on the screen.

  • Given the user has not clicked Edit, the Tier level dropdown selections will be inactive to change.

    • The user will see a greyed-out box without an arrow for each Tier level box.

  • Given the user clicks Edit in the top right corner, they will be able to change the Tier levels for each benchmark setting.

  • Given the user clicks Edit, the Tier dropdown selection boxes will be active and show an arrow for the user to click to change the Tier level setting.

  • Given the user clicks Discard Changes, no changes will be saved.

    • Any changes that were made will return to the original state before the edits were made.

  • Once the user clicks the Save button, the Tier level settings will be saved and no longer show in the edit state.


  • Given the user clicks the Math tab in the MTSS Dashboard settings, then they will see sections for all Math assessments.

  • Given the user hovers over the information icon, they will view a definition description for Percentile Rank.

  • Given the user has not clicked Edit, they will not be able to change the Tier level settings on the screen.

  • Given the user has not clicked Edit, the Tier level dropdown selections will be inactive to change.

    • The user will see a greyed-out box without an arrow for each Tier level box.

  • Given the user clicks Edit in the top right corner, they will be able to change the Tier levels for each benchmark setting.

  • Given the user clicks Edit, the Tier dropdown selection boxes will be active and show an arrow for the user to click to change the Tier level setting.

  • Given the user clicks Discard Changes, no changes will be saved.

    • Any changes that were made will return to the original state before the edits were made.

  • Once the user clicks the Save button, the Tier level settings will be saved and no longer show in the edit state.


  • Given the user clicks the Behavior tab in the MTSS Dashboard settings, then they will see an Incidents section.

  • Given the user hovers over the information icon, they will view a definition description for how the total incident percentage is calculated.

  • The hover description will state: “

  • The Tier levels (Tier 1, 2, 3) will be categorized by a percent range.

  • The default ranges will be:

    • Tier 1 : 0-3%

    • Tier 2 :

    • Tier 3 :

  • Given the user clicks Edit in the top right corner, they will be able to customize the total percent ranges for each tier level.


Will be based on our assessment → Need more information


User Story:

As a district level administrator who is evaluating the results of the Fall test scores, I need to a way to adjust the tier level settings part way through the year so that I can catch students who may need support sooner.


Acceptance Criteria