We need to show all of the specifics for Math Assessments including state and district assessments.
Possible future development
Younger and middle grades-Quantile
Older students-SAT and ATC benchmark that would include subcategories for Math--Algebraic Expression, Numbers and operations, etc.
Design: https://www.figma.com/file/LcnuW2hayj5Z5e4e9ayaXg/MTSS-Dashboard?type=design&node-id=996-198782918%3A78104&mode=design&t=HOppbpEoaFOxRG5gKdA8GoER9IcP1hWe-01
User Story
As a teacher user, I need to see a full picture of the student’s academic performance in Math so that I can provide the student with appropriate tools and intervention plans to help them reach their potential in this content area.
To view the Star Math results for a specific student, the user clicks on the Star Math tab.
Acceptance Criteria
Follow same rules for top section containing the student demographics, Academic Needs, Other Details and the Year Selector drop down explained in Overview.
Follow same rules for Multi-year selection. See: ELA | Student View | MTSS Dashboard Report for Multi-Year Selection.
Follow same example for Empty state as shown in ELA | Student View | MTSS Dashboard Report
User Story
As a teacher viewing the Star Math Tab for a specific student, I need to see a graph that directs my attention to the specific cut points for the grade level of the student so that I can understand the progress the student is making throughout the year.
To reveal information about Fall, Winter or Spring for At/ Above Benchmark, user hovers or clicks on any of the gray dots contained in each of the seasons.
To reveal the label for the student’s scaled score, then the user clicks on any of the green dots contained in each of the seasons.
To reveal information about the scaled score range for any of the seasons and categories, user clicks on or hovers over any of the colored sections in any of the seasons.
Acceptance Criteria
Graph- At or Above Benchmark Line
The gray line represents the At or Above benchmark.
The gray numbers represent the minimum scaled score for At or Above Benchmark for each of the seasons.
Renaissance has website that includes Scaled Scores for each grade and content area. (See: Math Scaled Scores)
We have links for Math, Star Early Literacy and Star Reading on the Renaissance page.
The gray dots are labeled with the scaled score for At or Above benchmark at each of the seasons (Fall, Winter, Spring)
To reveal the At or Above label, user clicks or hovers over the gray dot located on each of the seasons.
At or Above benchmark line and corresponding gray dots and hovers are shown on all graphs regardless of whether a student has
Graph-Green line
The green line represents the student’s progress through each of the assessment.
The green dots are labeled with the student’s scaled score for each of the seasons.
When the green dot is hovered over or clicked on we show the words: Student Score.
Given a student does not have a scaled score for a test given in the Fall, Winter, or Spring, then we will not show a green dot for that season.
X Axis
X axis contains are bar for each of the tests (Fall, Winter, Spring)
Given a student does not have a scaled score for a test given in the Fall, Winter or Spring, we will still show all of the seasons on the X axis.
Y Axis
Y axis contains the scaled score ranges for each test.
Y axis will count by 50s on all graphs (Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math)
Example: 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 550, etc)
We will show a broken graph symbol for all graphs (Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math)
The first increment on the Y axis will be the closest preceding increment that is 100 less than the lowest benchmark for the Fall data.
Scaled score benchmark numbers are different for Reading and Math content areas and grade levels.
Star Reading Benchmark- Includes Star Early Literacy
Colored Portion of the Bars
Each graph (Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math) will contain 3 colors within the bar for each of the seasons.
The colors of the bar indicate the ranges for each of the level names (Urgent Interventions, Intervention, On Watch, At/ Above)
The colors for each include:
Red for Urgent Intervention
Orange for Intervention
Blue for On Watch
White (No color) for At/Above
There are no gaps between the colors.
Given a user clicks on or hovers over a colored portion of the graph, they see the message containing: Scaled Score Range [range of scaled score for specific category (Urgent Intervention, Intervention, On watch) and the category name.
User Story:
As a teacher or admin viewing the Star Math Tab for a specific student, I need to
Given user selects Tier Tab chips under recommendations, they are taken to the intervention tab for Math.
To view an intervention plan, user clicks on the Intervention Plan button of their choice.
Acceptance Criteria
Columns in table: View Renaissance Star Math for Mapping
We will show a cumulative list of seasons as they occur throughout the year.
We will list the seasons from the first to the last: Fall, Winter, Spring.
We will show the student’s percentile rank for each of the seasons.
Mapping: See: PercentileRank In Star Math
Scaled Score
We will show the student’s scaled score for each of the seasons.
Mapping: See: ScaledScore In Star Math
Category Rating
We will show the student’s category rating based on the percentile.
Mapping: See: RenaissanceBenchmarkCategoryName in Star Math
Grade Equivalent
We will show the student’s grade equivalency.
Mapping: See: GradeEquivalent in Star Math
Extra Time
We will show if the student needed extra time: Yes or No are the possibilities
Mapping: See: ExtraTime in Star Math
Intervention Plan Buttons
Follow same rules for Viewing an Intervention Plan and How Tier Buttons Work from ELA | Student View | MTSS Dashboard Report.
User Story
As a teacher or admin user who is reviewing a particular student’s dashboard, I need a notice for when the student’s performance has triggered a tier 2 or tier 3 level and there is no intervention in place so that I can research the possibility of creating one.
To create an intervention, the user clicks on Take Action button in the notice.
User is taken to the create screen for Math Intervention Plan. (Show image.)
Acceptance Criteria:
Follow same rules for How Tier Notices Work from ELA | Student View | MTSS Dashboard Report.
There are two possible notices for both Reading and Math:
Tier 2 Notice
Tier 3 Notice (Example shown)