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We need a way to set up the Frequency and Duration as a combination data collection method so Users who select it can create the parameters for data collection using the this method.


Section 1: Select Behavior

User Story

As a teacher or admin user who is setting up behavior tracking I need a select/ create a behavior to decrease and decide on attaching it to an existing plan so that I then select Frequency & Duration with or without intensity as my data type.


  • To enter a behavior, user clicks on Select behavior field and selects from the behavior bank items or custom enters a behavior.

  • User selects increase or decrease in the field labeled “Do you want the student to increase or decrease this behavior?” for the desired outcome of the behavior.

  • User selects if the behavior is part of an existing field by clicking on the field labeled “Is this part of an existing plan? If so, which one?”. (Required field)

  • To delete the draft user clicks on Delete button or closes out of the modal.

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  • To go to the next slide, user clicks on Continue

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  • To view more information about Frequency & Duration (Increase Behavior) data type, user clicks on or hovers over the information icon next to Frequency and Duration.

  • To select Frequency & Duration as the data type, user clicks inside circle next to Frequency and Duration.

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  • To advance to the next screen, user clicks on Continue.

  • To return to previous slide, user clicks Go back.

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Acceptance Criteria

Create Behavior Tracking image contents:

  • Given a behavior is part of the behavior bank, then we will pre-fill the Define Behavior box.

  • Given a behavior is not part of the behavior bank, then the user is required to enter a definition of the behavior in the Define Behavior box.

  • Given user selects Decrease from the drop down, then the following data types are available:

    • Frequency

    • Duration

    • Interval

    • Frequency and Duration

  • Behavior Tracking becomes active after a unique behavior, data method, and intensity selection (if applicable- Frequency, Duration, Frequency& Duration combined) have been selected and the user selects Continue.

  • Frequency & Duration Information Icon (See images:

    • Given user hovers/clicks on Frequency & Duration icon then the message reads:

      • The combination of the number of times (Frequency) and the length of time (Duration) a behavior occurs.

Section 2: Measurement Tool

User Story

Section 4: Goal Selection

Section 6: Done

Updated Design To Set Goal and Objectives: User Feedback

User Story

As an educator who is creating Behavior Tracking without objectives and without intensity, I need to see an uncluttered creation screen so that I can select to customize the goal or keep it hidden from view so that I don’t get confused or overwhelmed by unnecessary information.


  • To select goal criteria, user clicks on fields for Step 1 Set Goal and makes selections.

  • To select No for objectives, user clicks on field for Step 2 Set Objectives and selects No from drop down.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Duration & Frequency is an option when user selects both Increase and Decrease behavior.

  • Given user has selected increase behavior, they will see Duration & Frequency as a choice.

  • Given user has selected decrease behavior, they will see Duration & Frequency as a choice.

  • Given user has set goal and selected No for Objectives, then we will show the goal statement. (See Frequency Section: Updated Design to Set Goal and Objectives: User Feedback Look for Selecting No for Objectives in Acceptance Criteria.

    • The user selects No first, then we show the Goal statement.

User Story

As an educator who is creating Behavior Tracking with objectives and no intensity for Duration & Frequency, I need to understand the connection between the goal and the objectives so that I can focus on creating a meaningful behavior tracking quickly and easily.


Acceptance Criteria

  • Follow rules for including Objectives for all Data types. (See: Frequency Look for: Select Yes for Objectives in Acceptance Criteria. It is in the bottom section- Updated Design to Set Goal and Objectives: User Feedback.

  • See also Section Locking Fields from Frequency.

Increase and Decrease Behavior: Goal With Objectives-No Intensity

  • Given either increase or decrease has been selected with goal and objectives and no intensity, then user can edit the fields in the goal statement. (See image: Decrease Goal-Objectives-No Intensity---Example Fields 1, 2 and 3)

    • The user's selection for fields 1, 2 and 3 become locked in the objectives.

    • Given changes to fields 1, 2 and/or 3 are made in the goal statement, then those changes are carried over into each of the objectives.

  • User can edit the the fields A, B, C in the objectives but with restrictions based on goal and preceding objective statement(s). See Acceptance Criteria below.

  • Users cannot edit fields 1, 2 and 3 in the objective statements.

Decrease Goal With Objectives-No Intensity

  • Given the goal is set with the following example:

No more than [A=3] minutes and [B=5] times per day for [C=2] consecutive days.

Then objective 1 could contain:

  • A is equal to or greater than 3, B is equal to or greater than 5, C is equal 2 or greater than 2

    • Given A=9, B=15 and C=2 for objective 1

THEN objective 2 could contain:

  • A is equal to or greater than 3 and less than or equal to selection for A in objective 1.

  • B is equal to or greater than 5 and less than or equal to selection for B in objective 1.

  • C is equal to or greater than 2 and less than or equal to selection for C in objective 1.

    • Given A=6, B=10 and C=2 for objective 2 then

  • if 3 objectives are selected, then the goal is repeated for objective 3.

  • if more than 3 objectives are selected, then the subsequent objectives follow the same pattern as explained above with the final objective being the same as the goal.

Increase Goal With Objectives-No Intensity

  • Given the goal is set with the following example:

At least [A=3] minutes and [B=15] times per day for [C=2] consecutive days.

Then objective 1 could contain:

  • A is less than or equal to 3, B is less than or equal to 15, C is less than or equal to 2.

    • Given A=1, B=5 and C=2 for objective 1

THEN objective 2 could contain:

  • A is less than or equal to 3 and greater than or equal to selection for A in objective 1.

  • B is less than or equal to 15 and greater than or equal to selection for B in objective 1.

  • C is less than or equal to 2 and greater than or equal to selection for C in objective 1.

    • Given A=2, B=10 and C=2 for objective 2, then

  • if 3 objectives are selected, then the goal is repeated for objective 3.

  • If more than 3 objectives are selected, then the subsequent objectives follow the same pattern as explained above with the final objective being the same as the goal.

Duration and Frequency with Intensity-possible future development

User Story

As an educator who is creating Behavior Tracking with intensity but without objectives for Duration & Frequency, I need to understand the connection between the goal and the objectives so that I can focus on creating a meaningful behavior tracking quickly and easily.


  • To set the goal statement, user clicks on each field and makes a selection.

  • To customize the goal with text before or after the goal statement, the user clicks on customize goal statement and types entry.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Duration & Frequency is an option when user selects both Increase and Decrease behavior and selects Yes for intensity.

  • Given user has set goal and selected No for Objectives, then we will show the goal statement. (See Frequency Section: Updated Design to Set Goal and Objectives: User Feedback Look for Selecting No for Objectives in Acceptance Criteria.

    • The user selects No first, then we show the Goal statement.

User Story

As an educator who is creating Behavior Tracking with objectives and intensity for Duration & Frequency, I need to understand the connection between the goal and the objectives so that I can focus on creating a meaningful behavior tracking quickly and easily.


Acceptance Criteria