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Currently no transactions of points happen in the student center. We need to add the ability for older kids to select what they would like to spend points on, spend it, and then notify the teacher.


User Story

As a student user, I want the ability to redeem my behavior points from the Student Center which will allow me to select the reward(s) I desire, instantly view my updated point balance after redemption, and automatically notify my teacher of the redemption.


Single Classroom

  • The user logs in to the Student Center

  • The user clicks on behavior points in the top right corner

  • The behavior points modal opens on the Student Center screen

  • The student user clicks the Rewards button

  • The user sees the total points they have earned under the profile picture

  • The user will see the message: “Are you ready to spend your points?”

  • The user views the list of rewards

    • If there are more than 8 rewards, the user will see a scroll bar to scroll through the list of rewards

  • The blue point buttons are active buttons

  • The grey point buttons are inactive buttons

  • The user clicks on a blue point button to spend behavior points

  • The user clicks “Buy It” button to spend the behavior points

  • The user clicks “Cancel” button to return to the rewards screen

  • If the user clicks "Buy It" button, they will see confetti and a success message: “You redeemed a REWARD NAME! We just let your teacher know.”

  • The confetti animation will loop one time.

  • The user can click another blue point button to spend more points.

  • The user clicks the back arrow in the top left to return to the Student Center points modal screen with their list of points received/spent

  • The user clicked the back arrow in the top left to return to the Student Center points modal screen with their list of points received/spent

  • The spent points show on top of the screen with the most recent in chronological order

  • The user clicks the back arrow in the top left to return to the Student Center and close the behavior points modal

  • The user clicks the Rewards button to go to the Rewards screen

Multiple Classrooms

  • The student will select a class to view their points

  • The student will click the Rewards button to view the rewards and spend the behavior points

  • The student user will select a class to view their points available to spend and the rewards for that classroom

  • The user will click the blue point button to select a reward and spend behavior points

Acceptance Criteria

  • The student user navigates to Student Center > Click Behavior Points > Behavior Points modal opens

User Story

As an educator user, I need to receive notifications in my inbox when my students redeem behavior points and have the capability to mark that I have given them a reward, so that I can monitor spent behavior points and keep a record of rewards provided.


  • User clicks on the RethinkEd platform inbox.

  • The user clicks on Tasks and sees the Student Points Task

  • The Students Points Task will also show in the All tab of the inbox

  • The user clicks “Delete” to delete the message

  • The user clicks “View” and is taken to the Student Dashboard with the Spend Points modal open for the student.

  • The user views the list of behavior points for the specific student

  • The user views “Spent Points” entry in the behavior points list

  • The specific point value amount the student spent shows next to the “Spent Points” heading

  • The specific reward the student redeemed shows below the “Spent Points” heading

  • The user clicks the blue “Gave Reward” button when they have given the reward to the student.

  • The user sees the “Reward Given DATE” when they click the blue “Gave Reward" button.

Acceptance Criteria

  • When a student spends behavior points, a “Student Points Task” inbox message will be displayed to the teacher user in the inbox.

  • The inbox message will be categorized as a Task

  • The inbox message will be visible in both the Tasks tab and the All tab.

  • To remove the “Student Points Task” inbox message, the user clicks the “Delete” button.

  • Given the user clicks View button, they will be taken to the specific Student Dashboard with the Spend Student Points modal open. (See image: Spend Student Points Modal)

  • The educator user will see the Spent Points entry in the student behavior points list

    • The specific point value the student spent will show to the right of the Spent Points heading

    • The reward the student selected will show below the Spent Points heading

  • If the user clicks the blue Gave Reward button next to the reward name, the button replaced with the text: “Reward Given MM/DD/YY” (See image: Reward Given)

User Story

As an educator user, I need to have the capability to mark that I have given the student a reward, so that I can monitor spent behavior points and keep a record of rewards provided.


Student Dashboard

  • The user navigates to Student Dashboard > View Behaviors (Behavior Points) > Student Behavior Points Modal

  • The user views the list of behavior points for the specific student

  • The user views “Spent Points” entry in the behavior points list

  • The specific point value amount the student spent shows next to the “Spent Points” heading

  • The specific reward the student redeemed shows below the “Spent Points” heading

  • The user clicks the blue “Gave Reward” button when they have given the reward to the student.

  • The user sees the “Reward Given DATE” when they click the blue “Gave Reward" button.

Classroom Rewards

  • The user navigates to Classroom > Rewards > Manage Rewards > Select Student > Student Behavior Points Modal

  • The user views the list of behavior points for the specific student

  • The user views “Spent Points” entry in the behavior points list

  • The specific point value amount the student spent shows next to the “Spent Points” heading

  • The specific reward the student redeemed shows below the “Spent Points” heading

  • The user clicks the blue “Gave Reward” button when they have given the reward to the student.

  • The user sees the “Reward Given DATE” when they click the blue “Gave Reward" button.

Acceptance Criteria

Student Dashboard

  • The user navigates to the specific Student Dashboard and clicks “Spend Points” button to open Spend Student Points modal. (See image: Student Dashboard Spend Student Points Modal)

  • The educator user will see the Spent Points entry in the student behavior points list

    • The specific point value the student spent will show to the right of the Spent Points heading

    • The reward the student selected will show below the Spent Points heading

  • If the user clicks the blue Gave Reward button next to the reward name, the button replaced with the text: “Reward Given MM/DD/YY” (See image: Student Dashboard Reward Given)

Classroom Rewards

  • The user navigates to the Classroom > Rewards > Manage Rewards > Select Student > Spend Student Points modal. (See image: Classroom Rewards Spend Student Points Modal)

  • The educator user will see the Spent Points entry in the student behavior points list

    • The specific point value the student spent will show to the right of the Spent Points heading

    • The reward the student selected will show below the Spent Points heading

  • If the user clicks the blue Gave Reward button next to the reward name, the button replaced with the text: “Reward Given MM/DD/YY” (See image: Classroom Rewards, Reward Given)

User Story

As a user, I need to have the capability to set the timing for displaying rewards to my students, enabling them to redeem their accumulated, earned behavior points for rewards.


  • The user navigates to Classroom > Rewards

  • If the checkbox is unchecked for “Make rewards visible to students in the Student Center”, the students will not see the Rewards button.

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  • The user selects the checkbox for “Make rewards visible to students in the Student Center”

  • The default selection is the Always radio button

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  • The user clicks “Specific Time” radio button

    • The user selects a date or date range

    • The user selects a time range

    • The user selects the days the rewards are visible to students within the date range defined

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Acceptance Criteria

User Story
As a user, I want to ability to effortlessly add new rewards to a rewards list and effectively manage the list so that I can ensure that my students always have access to the most up-to-date rewards and point values.


  • The user navigates to Classroom > Rewards

  • There is a Rewards section with the blue heading “Rewards”

  • The rewards show in a table format

    • Rewards

    • Points (value)

    • Edit button

    • Delete button

  • The rewards show in numerical order from the least amount of points to the most amount of points

    • Within each point value the rewards show in alphabetical (ABC) order

  • The user clicks “Add new reward button” to open the add new reward modal

  • The user clicks “Add new reward button” to open the add new reward modal

  • The user types to enter the rewards name

  • The user types to enter the point value for the reward

  • The user clicks Add Reward button to add the reward to the list of rewards

  • The user clicks Cancel button or “X” to close out of the modal

    • Changes will not be saved

  • The user clicks Edit button on a specific reward

    • The Edit Reward modal opens

  • The Reward name and Point value will be prefilled with the selected reward

  • The user types to change the reward name

  • The user types to change the point value

  • The user clicks Save Reward button to update the reward in the list of rewards

  • The user clicks Cancel button or “X” to close out of the modal

    • Changes will not be saved

Acceptance Criteria