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LEVEL 1Operational DefinitionPageItem #Matched LessonCurriculum Area
MandEmits 2 words, signs or PECS (can use prompts)61Making Requests By Giving a Picture CardExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Generalizes 6 mands across 2 people, settings and examples of a reinforcer63Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Spontaneously emits mands (no prompts)64Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction

Emits mands without prompts (Except what do you want)62/5Making Requests by Using Word or Sound ApproximationExpressive Language/Verbal Interaction
TactTacts People, Objects, Pictures, Body Parts61-3, 5Labels Objects, Pictures, People, Body Parts)Expressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing

Spontaneously tacts (no prompts)64Labels Objects and PicturesExpressive Language/Labeling, Describing, Summarizing
Listener Responding

Attends to a speaker’s voice by orienting toward the speaker

71Visually Tracking a PersonPre-Academic/Attending

Responds to hearing his own name72Makes Eye Contact in Response to NamePre-Academic/Attending

Looks at, touches, or points to the correct family member, pet or other reinforcer73

-Identifies objects

-Identifies Pictures

-Identifies Familiar People

Receptive Language

Performs 4 different motor actions without a visual prompt74Follows One Step InstructionsReceptive Language

Identifies objects and pictures75

-Identifies objects

-Identifies Pictures

Receptive Language
Visual Perceptual Skills and Matching to SampleVisually tracks moving stimuli for 2 seconds71Visually Tracking an ObjectPre-Academic/Attending

Grasps small objects with thumb, index finger and middle finger (pincer grasp)72Imitating actions with objectsMotor Skills

Visually attends to a toy or book73Visually Tracking an ObjectPre-Academic/Attending

Places items in a container, stacks blocks, or places rings on a peg74

-Completes Start to Finish Activities

-Imitates Fine Motor Movements

Play and Leisure


Matches any identical items75-Matches Shapes, Letters, Numbers, Words, Matching BookPre-Academic/Matching
Independent playManipulates and explores objects for 1 minute81Doing Activities for Increasing Lengths of timePlay/Leisure

Shows variation by independently playing with 5 different items82Completing Activities with Beginning and EndPlay/Leisure

Plays with toys in novel environment83Program for Generalization in a current play program.
