Generating the report | Date Range: Enter the date range you want to pull appointments for By default, completed appointments by your company’s definition will pull into the Payroll Export Include Late Entries: When selected, the system looks for appointments prior to the start date entered that were previously incomplete but are now complete EX: If an appointment in June was incomplete when running payroll for June appointments but has since been completed and now user is running payroll for July appointments, that June appointment will populate in the export as part of the late entries feature To prevent duplicate billing, it will only pull once EX: Tomorrow if I pull this same report for this date range, the late entry appointment(s) won’t show again. The system thinks you already paid that staff. Suggested that if late entries are included in the export, save that document
Include INCOMPLETE staff appointments: Best practice is not to pull incomplete appointments; Breaks the functionality of the Late Entries feature because you are running with incomplete appointments Include Cancelled/Archived Appointments: If you need to pay staff for cancelled appointments, can select to pull these in Include Non-Payable Appts (these appointments do not count toward payroll totals): Any paycode created with the “N/A” code will populate into a Non-Payables tab on the export Include Demo Client: Select if you want demo clients to appear on the export Click Run Now The system will create a record in the My Reports Tab with the status of “Pending” Users will also receive an email when the report is ready that includes a link to be brought to the Payroll Export My Reports page within Rethink
| Not recommended to pull for incomplete appointments using the Payroll Export Report. To pull for incomplete appointments, use the Scheduling>Appointment List view Under My Reports>Statuses allow users to see where the report is in the process at any point in time Pending: The report is in a queue of repots waiting to be processed Download: Report is ready for download Download: Report was previously downloaded Fail: There was an error when processing the report. User can run the report again or contact the Rethink Support Team to see if it may be recovered
Users will receive an email when the report is ready Once exported to excel, there are four tabs to work through