Step | Description | Good to Know |
Navigating to the Payroll Export | Reporting>Scheduling>Payroll Export |
Generating the report | Date Range: Enter the date range you want to pull appointments for
By default, completed appointments by your company’s definition will pull into the Payroll Export Use the ‘Staff Assigned Location(s)’ field to select the location you want to filter by. You may select multiple locations. You must select at least one location. All locations will be auto selected. Include Late Entries: When selected, the system looks for appointments prior to the start date entered that were previously incomplete but are now complete
Include INCOMPLETE staff appointments: Best practice is not to pull incomplete appointments; Breaks the functionality of the Late Entries feature because you are running with incomplete appointments Include Cancelled/Archived Appointments: If you need to pay staff for cancelled appointments, can select to pull these in Include Non-Payable Appts (these appointments do not count toward payroll totals): Any paycode created with the “N/A” code will populate into a Non-Payables tab on the export Include Demo Client: Select if you want demo clients to appear on the export Click Run Now
Subscribed Reports |
The Start and End date of the report will appear at the top of the spreadsheet along with the Time zone of the user that is logged in and running the report. The Run Date/Time will show when this report was pulled. The Staff Assigned Location(s) will what you selected to be included in this report.
Summary: This tab is a broad overview of how many hours that employee worked in that date range and the total they would be paid. There will be one line per staff member for the date range you have run the report for. It will compile all of that information into one line.