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The Manage Assignments page allows educators to view, sort, and manage assignments for various grades, classrooms, subjects, students, and competencies.


Feature 193776: Manage Assignment

User Story

As a RethinkEd user, I need to view the assigned SEL content to my student(s) so that I can assess the student and communicate with stakeholders about progress. 

UI Description

  1. Radio Button for Assignment TypeOverview:

    • Located Displays the heading "Assignments" prominently at the top of the page for easy access, allowing users to swiftly toggle between assignment categories.

      • SEL

      • Mental Health


    • Provides a search bar for filtering assignments.

    • Offers dropdown filters for Subject, Type, Grade, Classroom, Tier, Domain, Main Topic, and Assigned By.

      • Subject: SEL, Mental Health

      • Type: Lesson, Module

      • Grade: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, Not Applicable

      • Classroom: List of All Classrooms (search bar included at the top of filter dropdown menu)

        • If grade is selected, show classrooms for the selected grade or grades.

      • Tier: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3

      • SEL Domain: Awareness of Self & Others, Self-Management, Social Skills, Social Awareness, Self-Care

      • Mental Health Domain: Mental Wellness, Healthy Identities, Kindness to Animals, Online Safety, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Reducing the Risk of Suicide, Preventing Violence, Human Trafficking, Trauma: Emotions, Trauma: Resilience, Trauma: Stress Management, Trauma: Support Systems

      • SEL Main Topic:

        • Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Values, Wants & Needs, Self-Knowledge

        • Self-Management: Stress Management, Self-Control, Resilience, Problem Solving, Goal Setting, Focus

        • Social Skills: Respect, Relationships, Friendship, Fairness, Cooperation, Conflict Resolution

        • Social Awareness: Support Systems, Cultural Competence, Social Contributions, Safe & Ethical Behavior, Empathy, Actions & Consequences

        • Self-Care: Self-Efficacy, Self-Compassion, Self-Advocacy, Optimism, Mindfulness, Healthy Boundaries

      • Assigned By: List of All Team Members that have assigned an assignment

    • Shows a date range picker for filtering assignments by the last assigned date.

  2. Date Range Selection:

    • A dropdown menu selection with calendar picker below the assignment type selector.Default selection showcases the current school year, with options to customize the date range.and dates display in input field as Month DD, YYYY (Example: Apr 10, 2023 - Apr 24, 2024)

    • Dropdown menu values next to calendar picker:

      • School Year

      • Last 7 days

      • Last 14 days

      • Last 30 days

      • Last 90 days

      • Last 180 days

      • Custom

    Search Bar:

    • Prominently placed above the assignment table, enabling quick searches without navigating away from the pageUser can select a custom date range using the calendar picker.

  3. Assignment Table:

    • A clear, concise table displaying the key assignment details.

      • Start Date

      • Due Date

      • Subject

      • Title

      • Type

      • Assigned By

      • Assigned To

    • Each column header includes sorting functionality.

  4. Edit Modal:

    • A modal window that provides a user-friendly interface for editing assignment details, ensuring that the workflow is seamless and intuitive.

  5. Kabob Menu and Row Expansion:

    • Each row includes a kabob menu for additional actions and an option to expand the row for detailed progress insights.

Workflow Description

  1. Initial View and Selection:

    • Users are presented with a radio button option to select between SEL and Mental Health assignments.

      • If account has both SEL product version and Mental Health, default will be SEL radio button selected

      • If account only has SEL product version, default will be SEL radio button selected and Mental Health is hidden

      • If account only has Mental Health product, default will be Mental Health radio button selected and SEL is hidden

    • The date range selector defaults to the "School Year," which can be adjusted to view assignments within specific dates.

  2. Searching and Filtering:

    • A search bar allows users to filter assignments based on keywords, types, student or team member names, or standards.

    • The table dynamically updates to display relevant assignments based on the search criteria.

  3. Assignment Overview Table:

    • The main view includes a table listing assignments with columns for Start Date, Due Date, Subject, Title, Type, Assigned By, and Assigned to.

    • Users can sort the table by any column to organize the view according to their preference.

  4. Editing Assignments:

    • An "Edit" button on each row enables users to modify the respective assignment in a modal window.

    • Edits are restricted to assignments created by the specific team member.

  5. Extended Assignment Details:

    • Expanding a table row reveals additional information about student assignment status (In-Progress, Not Started, Completed) and progress percentage.

    • This detailed view aids in tracking student engagement and completion ratesLists assignments with columns for Assignment Name, Subject, Type, Grade, Tier, Domain, Main Topic, Last Assigned, Assigned By, Completed, and Not Completed.

    • Includes interactive elements such as sorting options for each column.

  6. Action Icons:

    • Icons for “Needs Review”, “Create Assignment”, “Print”, and “Export”

  7. Pagination and Rows Per Page:

    • Features for adjusting the number of rows displayed per page and pagination controls for navigating between pages of assignments.

User Interaction and Validation Notes

  1. Sorting and Filtering:

    • Users can sort assignments by clicking on column headers and apply filters through dropdown menus or the search bar.

  2. Navigation:

    • Users can return to the Program Tools using the back navigation or navigate to other platform areas using the top navigation bar.

  3. Assignment Interaction:

    • Users can review assignment completion statistics by viewing the Completed and Not Completed columns.

  4. Date Range Selection:

    • Users can select a specific date range which will highlight the selection and filter the assignments accordingly.

  5. Review and Management:

    • Clicking on an assignment name, completed number, or not completed number in an assignment row will allow the user to review details.

Workflow Description

  1. Viewing Assignments:

    • Educators access the Assignments management screen from the main dashboard or Program Tools to review current assignments.

  2. Applying Filters:

    • Filters are applied to locate assignments for specific subjects, types, grades, classrooms, tiers, domains, main topics, and who assigned the assignment.

  3. Managing Assignments:

    • Educators use action icons to review assignments, create new assignments, print assignment details, or export assignment list.

  4. Reviewing Assignment Data:

    • Clicking on an assignment provides detailed data on the assignment content and students assigned to the content.


These requirements provide a comprehensive overview for enhancing the Manage Assignment page. By focusing on user experience, functionality, and technical considerations, we aim to create a feature that is easy to use, ultimately supporting educators in managing SEL and Mental Health assignments more effectively and track student progress.