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User Story

As an internal employee at RethinkEd, I need to see and search the full list of Integrated Assessments so that I can determine when to Add New Assessments or edit existing ones.


  1. Search Bar

    • Text entry minimum of 3 characters with smart search returning within 2 seconds matches for Assessment Name or Company Name

  2. Add Assessment Button

    • User clicks on Add Assessment Button to open the Add Assessment modal

  3. Company Sorting Selector

    • User clicks on down arrow to open dropdown and views Company list

    • Company list is in alphabetical order

    • User selects choice from dropdown by clicking on it

    • Given User selects a choice from the dropdown, the chart view shows the results of the selection for the Company Name

    • Given there are multiple Assessments for the Company Name selected in the dropdown, then we show the Assessment Names in alphabetical order.

    • Given there are Assessments with the same name and same company, then we use the Subject as the alphabetical order criteria

  4. Subject Sorting Selector

    • User clicks on down arrow to open dropdown and views Subject list

    • Subject list is in alphabetical order: Attendance, Behavior, ELA, Math

    • User selects choice from dropdown by clicking on it

    • Given User selects a choice from the dropdown, the chart view shows the results of the selection for the Subject chosen

    • Given there are multiple Assessments for the Subject selected in the dropdown, then we show the Assessment Names for that Subject in alphabetical order

    • Given there are Assessments with the same name for the subject selected, then we use Company as the criteria for the alphabetical order list

  5. Table Contents Start here

Workflow Description / Options
