Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Time Saver: The ELA and Math Tab have the same functionality. As MTSS Dashboard evolves, that may change so this Math Tab Page has been established.

When selected, the Math tab is underlined and highlighted in blue. The default view is the current year and the most current assessment given. If more than 1 Assessment has been given to a student within a given year, then we show an additional tab selection on the left side of the graph.

Academic areas (ELA and Math) share the same look and functionality since they both show integrated data from Assessment(s). We currently have three different assessment makers which comprise 7 different assessments (See: Admin Settings: ELA and Math for more information). The contents of the tab are specific to the assessment used.


Please also see: Overview Page: Features and UI Functionality for more information about the 2 3 items below:

Year Drop down

  • Defaults to the current school year.

  • Contains all past school years in the order of most recent to least recent


Tier Notices (if applicable:)

  • Shown if the student’s score is within the Tier 2 or Tier 3 range for MathELA

  • If Take Action is selected, User is taken to Create Intervention Plan


At Risk and Approaching Indicators (if applicable)

  • At Risk Indicator shows if student’s percentile rank is within 2 percentage points of the minimum value set for Tier 1 and Tier 2 from Admin Settings.

  • Approaching Indicator shows if the student’s percentile rank is within 2 percentage points of the maximum value set in Tier 3 and Tier 2 from Admin Settings.

Page Contents: Graph and Chart


The graph represents data for a single Assessment. As the year progresses, assessment results are added to the graph. If a student takes a single assessment multiple times within the same period established in Define School Year, then the graph shows the most recent assessment results. (See Chart Overview below for multiple assessments within the same period).


The title of the Assessment is at the top left of within the graph and tells the User which test has been used to determine the Tier level.

The Key shows the criteria established in Admin Settings (ELA and Math) for the Assessment. The Key includes Benchmark Names (if applicable: iReady does not have Benchmark Names), the Tier Level and the Percentile Rank ranges within each Tier Level. The text shown in the Key is also in color to represent each Tier Level.


Chart Overview:

The Chart below is the graph shows more comprehensive information than the graph. It The Chart contains data for every time the student took a test within a given school year. It is organized with the most recent testing administration first and follows to the least recent for the school year. Unlike the graph that shows only the most recent test results for a given period, the chart shows a line for each instance the student has taken a test within a period and also includes data for the entire year.

The Chart contains standard headings and values for all of the current Assessments we offer including:


  • Value beneath is the Date that tells when the test was taken

Tier Recommendation


The Chart can contain Custom Headings from requested Custom Fields which include additional custom values beneath them.

  • At this time, we can enter custom fields if the district requests them. The custom fields are limited to just showing values and contain no functionality. Custom fields are unique to the Assessment and need to be evaluated to see if they will work. Some examples of custom fields are: Duration , or and Grade equivalency.

Information Icons

Chart headings may include an information icon that when hovered over or / clicked on show text to explain the heading.

When hovering/clicking on Tier Recommendation, the User sees the their District Level Admin’s settings for determining Tiers.