The Goal-Intervention Bank in the Admin Settings populates the Goals and Interventions in the Intervention Library. Admin are able to create custom goals and interventions that are district approved to display in the Intervention Library.
As an admin user I want to create a new ELA or Math Goal-Intervention to add to the list of goals and interventions so that I can ensure we are implementing district-approved interventions.
UI Description
Create New Button
Status: Active Goals will display in the MTSS Intervention Library. If a user selects a status of Inactive, the goal and intervention(s) will not be visible in the Intervention Library upon creation. The user must Edit the goal and change the status to ‘Active’ to make it available in the Intervention Library.
Goal Text Validation Warning Error: If goal text field is not complete, user will see a validation warning message when clicking Save button. The missing fields will outline in red and the warning message will read: Please check for missing fields.
Subject Validation Warning Error: If Subject field is not complete, user will see a validation warning message when clicking Save button. The missing fields will outline in red and the warning message will read: Please check for missing fields.
Validation Warning Error for Incomplete Fields: If one or more input fields is not complete, user will see a validation warning message when clicking Save button. The missing fields will outline in red and the warning message will read: Please check for missing fields.
Intervention Strategy: The user will select on or more RethinkEd interventions from the table to include with their custom goal. When the user selects an Admin Custom Goal in the Intervention Library in the MTSS Plan, the RethinkEd Intervention Strategy:Custom Intervention: interventions selected will display all connected information. For example: Intervention Strategy, Focus Area (If Applicable), and Implementation Card(s).
Custom Intervention: The Admin user can add Custom Interventions to their custom Goal. The Admin user will select the “Add Custom Intervention” button to add input fields for an Intervention Title and Description.When the user selects an Admin Custom Goal in the Intervention Library in the MTSS Plan, the admin custom interventions will display in the Intervention Strategies screen of the modal in the “District Created Interventions” section.
Workflow Description
Admin navigates to Setup > Account Settings > Goal-Intervention Bank
Create New: Admin selects Create New button to open the Create New Goal modal.
Input Field Selections: Admin completes the input fields for Status, Goal, Category, Subject, Grade, and Intervention Strategies.
Intervention Strategies: Admin can select from the list of RethinkEd Intervention Strategies to include with the custom goal. Admin can also create custom interventions that include a title and description to include with the goal.
Save or Cancel: The user selects Save to save the goal and intervention(s) to the Goal-Intervention Bank or selects Cancel to navigate to the Goal-Intervention Bank list without making any changes.