Versions Compared


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  1. Assignment Overview:

    • Header includes:

      • Region dropdown menu

        • Displays to admin users only

      • Building dropdown menu

        • Admin users have dropdown menu to select building

        • Educator views the building they are assigned to in the field.

      • Classroom dropdown menu

        • Default: All classrooms

        • List of All Classrooms (search bar included at the top of dropdown menu)

    • Displays the heading "Assignments" prominently at the top of the page.

    • Tab Navigation: Content, Students, Needs Review, Teachers

      • Content tab is default selection

    • Provides a search bar for filtering assignments.

    • Offers dropdown filters for Subject, Type, Grade, Classroom, Tier, Domain, Main Topic, and Last Assigned By.

      • Subject: SEL, Mental Health

      • Type: Video, Quiz, ActivityResource, Interactive

        • ‘Resource’ displays in the column for a PDF instead of ‘PDF’

        • ‘Interactive’ displays in type column for an Interactive Worksheet.

      • Grade: Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, Not Applicable

      • Tier: Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3

      • SEL Domain: Awareness of Self & Others, Self-Management, Social Skills, Social Awareness, Self-Care, Trauma

      • Mental Health Domain: Mental Wellness, Healthy Identities, Kindness to Animals, Online Safety, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Reducing the Risk of Suicide, Preventing Violence, Human Trafficking, Trauma: Emotions, Trauma: Resilience, Trauma: Stress Management, Trauma: Support Systems

      • SEL Main Topic:

        • Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Values, Wants & Needs, Self-Knowledge

        • Self-Management: Stress Management, Self-Control, Resilience, Problem Solving, Goal Setting, Focus

        • Social Skills: Respect, Relationships, Friendship, Fairness, Cooperation, Conflict Resolution

        • Social Awareness: Support Systems, Cultural Competence, Social Contributions, Safe & Ethical Behavior, Empathy, Actions & Consequences

        • Self-Care: Self-Efficacy, Self-Compassion, Self-Advocacy, Optimism, Mindfulness, Healthy Boundaries

        • Trauma: Emotions, Resilience, Stress Management, and Support Systems

      • Last Assigned By: List of All Team Members that have last assigned an assignment.

        • “Inactive Teacher” will display if the teacher has left the school.

      • Assigner Role:

        • User is able to filter by ‘Assigner Role’ to refine the table list to the filter value selected.

        • Default is all assigner roles in view: Student Self-Assigned, Teacher Assigned, and Admin Assigned

        • Filter Selection:

          • Student Self-Assigned Only

          • Teacher Assigned Only

    • Shows a date range picker for filtering assignments by the last assigned date.

  2. Date Range Selection:

    • A dropdown menu selection with calendar picker and dates display in input field as Month DD, YYYY (Example: Apr 10, 2023 - Apr 24, 2024)

    • Dropdown menu values next to calendar picker:

      • School Year

      • Last 7 days

      • Last 14 days

      • Last 30 days (default)

      • Last 90 days

      • Last 180 days

    • User can select a custom date range using the calendar picker.

  3. Assignment Table:

    • Lists assignments with columns for:

      • Title (Assignment Title),

      • Type,

      • Subject,

      • Grade (Grade Level of Content),

      • Complete,

      • Incomplete,

      • Activity (module),

      • Lesson,

      • Tier,

      • Domain,

      • Topic,

      • Last Assigned,

      • Last Assigned By

    • (Assignment) Title, Complete, Incomplete, Activity, Lesson, and Last Assigned By column content will be linked to navigate to the user to the more specific view.

    • Includes interactive elements such as sorting options for each column.

  4. Action Icons in Header:

    • Icons for “Create Assignment”, “Print”, and “Export”

  5. Pagination and Rows Per Page:

    • Features for adjusting the number of rows displayed per page and pagination controls for navigating between pages of assignments.
