Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. Graph Icon (existing functionality & logic)

    • Graph icon on program in tracking screen navigates user to the view of the graph for the program

    • Empty State will show on graph when no data has been recorded: No data has been recorded.

  2. Graph/ABC toggle switch (existing functionality & logic)

    • Graph selected: Displays recorded data points on a graph

    • ABC selected: Displays ABC graph

      • Context/Activity graph by default and the X axis will show Academics, Special classes, Individual time, Lunch/recess, Changing activities, Home, and Other.

      • Before (Antecedent) graph and the X axis will show Task/command given, No/diverted attention, Denied access to item, Error correction given, Waiting/ down time, Other.

      • After (Consequence) graph and the X axis will show Ignored, Redirected to activity, Discussed/corrected, Changed activity, Moved away/gave break, Other.

      • Possible Function graph and the X axis will show Avoidance/escape, Tangible, Attention, Sensory, Other.

      • Same X and Y axis as seen on production for that given ABC graph

      • Y axis shows the total % for each category for each part of ABC.

  3. Graph XY-Axis

    • Label: Mastery Percentage

    • Show 0-100 by increments of 10

  4. Graph YX-Axis

    • Displays the date and session number

      • Default to the Sessions view where the toggle is set off and sessions are shown.

    • Combine Same-Day Sessions toggle switch on, we will combine multiple sessions that were recorded on the same day into one data point for that day

  5. Data Points on Graph (existing functionality & logic)

    • We will include value of the data point (raw number for data recorded) above the data point.

    • The graph displays objective numbers and background colors (if objectives are selected)

      • The objective number will be in the top left of the graph and sticky to the graph top so that it is visible as the user scrolls

      • There will be a background color for baseline and each objective number to show the difference between objectives and data points recorded

    • Point(s) that were recorded in Baseline with a B in the point.

    • Point(s) that were recorded and Mastered with an M in the data point.

  6. Phase Change line(s) (existing functionality & logic)

    • Added Phase Change lines will be shown on the graph with the date and reason

  7. Combine Same-Day Sessions Toggle Switch (existing functionality & logic)

    • Default to the Sessions view where the toggle is set off and sessions are shown.

    • Combine Same-Day Sessions toggle switch on, we will combine multiple sessions that were recorded on the same day into one data point for that day

  8. Close button (existing functionality & logic)

    • Close button returns user to program tracking screen with the specific program in view
