Student Dashboard: Math Tab: Intervention Plan
If the number of school days is less than 20, then the Tier Pending screen should show within the Student Dashboard: Attendance Tab for both Tardy and Absences. This is for the Percentage Based Attendance Method only.
Question: Would we need some message in the District Reports (PowerBI) to capture school districts who select Percentage Based and are viewing their Attendance Data prior to the 20 school days where Tiers are first calculated?
Suggest the same message as is used below for PowerBI: Tier Requirements for Attendance require 4 weeks of data.
The Student Dashboard Attendance Tab and the Classroom Dashboard Attendance Tab do not show the same percentages for Absences and Tardies. They should match. (Anton mentioned this is probably a feature request)
Attendance Dashboard: Changing School Years
Please remove the beta symbol from the Classroom Dashboard.
PowerBI 2024-2025 School Year Drop Down
With the change in the school year, the default setting when the User enters the MTSS District Reports is to show the 2024-2025 School year. The RethinkEd demo account shows the 2023-2024 School year.