Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Column Name

Information Shown


Any alerts you may need to be aware of

EX: Overlaps with another appointment


Rethink assigned ID


Status of Appointment; Best practice is to only pull for completed appointments


First Name of Staff Member


Last Name of Staff Member


Whether or not staff is selected as eligible for overtime calculations

Exempt = They are NOT opted into overtime calculations

Non-Exempt = Opted into overtime calculations


Hourly or Salary


Scheduled Start Time of appointment


Scheduled End Time of appointment


Date the session took place


Verified Start Time of appointment

  • Can use this as somewhat of a clock in/clock out feature by viewing the scheduled start and end time versus the actual start and end time

  • Payroll is calculated off the verified start/end time and that is what pulls on the session note


Verified End Time of appointment

  • Can use this as somewhat of a clock in/clock out feature by viewing the scheduled start and end time versus the actual start and end time

  • Payroll is calculated off the verified start/end time and that is what pulls on the session note


How long the appointment took place


Type of appointment (Billable, Non-Billable, or Travel)


Any tags on the appointment; Non-Billable appointments will always have a tag and Billable Tags are optional


Abbreviation for the Paycode


Full Paycode Name

Late Entry

This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry.

Late Entry First Pulled By

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry.

Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry


Service Line - EX: ABA


Service Name - EX: Assessment


Name of the client that staff worked with


Name of the client’s funder


Hourly rate for that pay code for that staff member

Will show “0” if that staff is salary or if an hourly rate was not entered for that pay code for that staff member


If Travel appointment, amount of miles driven


Mileage Reimbursement Rate if set up under Settings>Staff Member Settings>Mileage


Should say “Yes” as that is the minimum requirement for a completed appointment


If location services are enabled on the staff’s device, the location where staff verified the appointment will appear here


Yes or No


If parent verification obtained, location where they verified


Yes or No

  • Payroll includes billable and non-billable time so you may see “No” under session notes for non-billable appointments and travel appointments for example


Any notes that are entered on the event details page of the appointment


Date and time the staff verified the appointment


Date and time the parent verified the appointment


If entered on the Staff Profile>General Information section


Location assigned to the Client Profile>Demographics page


Locations assigned to staff profile


If a location was added to the appointment


Address of location if added on the appointment level


Rethink generated Appointment ID #

Last modified on

Date and time the appointment was last modified

Last modified by

Name of staff that last modified the appointment

Last Billing Exported

Shows if the appointment has been pulled on a billing export

Last Payroll Exported

Shows if the appointment has already been pulled on a payroll export

Appt Requirements Completed

Date and time all of the appointment requirements were complete

EX: Could be a session note and a verification depending on requirements set up in Settings

Paycode OT Eligible

  • Helps payroll admin easily identify paycodes that are or are not overtime eligible

    • Yes will be displayed for payable paycodes that do count towards overtime

    • No will be displayed for the payable paycodes that do not count towards overtime due to your company selecting that under the Settings level when creating that paycode 

    • N/A will be displayed if the staff member does not have OT calculations applied to them (set up under their staff profile)

Late Entry

This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry.

Late Entry First Pulled By

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry.

Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry

Non-Payable: If including non-payables in the export, they are seen here. This is a way to keep track of something but not pay your staff for it. These do not count towards overtime calculations.

Column Name

Information Shown


Any alerts you may need to be aware of

EX: Overlaps with another appointment


Rethink assigned ID


Status of Appointment; Best practice is to only pull for completed appointments


First Name of Staff Member


Last Name of Staff Member


Whether or not staff is selected as eligible for overtime calculations

Exempt = They are NOT opted into overtime calculations

Non-Exempt = Opted into overtime calculations


Hourly or Salary


Scheduled Start Time of appointment


Scheduled End Time of appointment


Date the session took place


Verified Start Time of appointment

  • Can use this as somewhat of a clock in/clock out feature by viewing the scheduled start and end time versus the actual start and end time

  • Payroll is calculated off the verified start/end time and that is what pulls on the session note


Verified End Time of appointment

  • Can use this as somewhat of a clock in/clock out feature by viewing the scheduled start and end time versus the actual start and end time

  • Payroll is calculated off the verified start/end time and that is what pulls on the session note


How long the appointment took place


Type of appointment (Billable, Non-Billable, or Travel)


Any tags on the appointment; Non-Billable appointments will always have a tag and Billable Tags are optional


Abbreviation for the Paycode


Full Paycode Name

Late Entry

This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry.

Late Entry First Pulled By

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry.

Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry


Name of the client that staff worked with


Name of the client’s funder


Hourly rate for that pay code for that staff member

Will show “0” if that staff is salary


If Travel appointment, amount of miles driven


Mileage Reimbursement Rate if set up under Settings>Staff Member Settings>Mileage


Should say “Yes” as that is the minimum requirement for a completed appointment


If location services are enabled on the staff’s device, the location where staff verified the appointment will appear here


Yes or No


If parent verification obtained, location where they verified


Yes or No

  • Payroll includes billable and non-billable time so you may see “No” under session notes for non-billable appointments and travel appointments for example


Any notes that are entered on the event details page of the appointment


Date and time the staff verified the appointment


Date and time the parent verified the appointment


If entered on the Staff Profile>General Information section


Location assigned to the Client Profile>Demographics page


Locations assigned to staff profile


If a location was added to the appointment


Address of location if added on the appointment level


Rethink assigned Appointment ID #

Last modified on

Date and time the appointment was last modified

Last modified by

Name of staff that last modified the appointment

Last Billing Exported

Shows if the appointment has been pulled on a billing export

Last Payroll Exported

Shows if the appointment has already been pulled on a payroll export

Appt Requirements Completed

Date and time all of the appointment requirements were complete

EX: Could be a session note and a verification depending on requirements set up in Settings

Late Entry

This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry.

Late Entry First Pulled By

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry.

Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry

If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry