If the customer has access to both SEL and Base SPED platforms:
- Lesson type will default to All Lessons.
- When SEL is selected as the lesson type, the SEL grade group option appears.
- The customer should only see the grade bands he/she has access to. For example, if the teacher only has access to PK-2, these are the only lessons that should appear.
- The customer should only see the lesson type he/she has access to. Teachers labeled General Education, will have access to General Education lessons. Teachers labeled Special Education, will have access to Special Education lessons. Teachers labeled as both General Education & Special Education, will have access to both general education & special education lessons.
- The label :"Tier 1 and Tier 2" should be replaced with the label "General Education". The label "Tier 3" should be replaced with the label "Special Education."
- Grades box is not visible once SEL is selected as lesson type.