Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Top Layer

  • The line graph should show number of unique team members accessing lesson/behavior resources. The resources are:
    • View video (lesson videos from library or learning plan, behavior tutorial videos)
    • View webinar (archived webinars from My Resources)
    • View materials (any printable material from library, learning plan, behavior support, or my resources)
    • View plan (lesson plans from library or learning plan, or print behavior plan from behavior support)
  • There should be a separate colored line for each resource.
  • There should be a toggle for cumulative vs. non-cumulative.
  • The cumulative & non-cumulative logic is the same as unique logins

Second Layer

  • Need to add filter users vs activities
    • Users will show # of unique users accessing resources
    • Activities will show total # of resources accessed
  • Need to add filter by platform:
    • Platforms are:
      • Skills
      • Behavior
      • SEL
    • Can select one or multiple platforms
    • Option to select all (DEFAULT)
    • Only the Platforms allocated will appear in the list. If a district has not purchased SEL (for example), SEL will not appear in the menu.
  • Ned Need to add filter by type:
    • Videos
      • Skills: Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or Academic Lesson videos played from library or Learning Plan
      • Behavior: Behavior tutorial videos played from Behavior Support
      • SEL: SEL lesson videos played from library or learning plan
    • Webinars
      • Archived webinars watched from My Resources
      • This is the same for all platforms
    • Materials
      • Skills: Materials from Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or Academic Lesson Libraries, Learning Plan (except sel), or My Resources (all resources categories except behavior & SEL)
      • Behavior: Materials from Behavior Support or Behavior Category of My Resources
      • SEL: Materials from SEL Library, Learning Plan (sel lessons only), or SEL category of My Resources
    • Plans
      • Skills: Lesson Plan from Abilities, Inclusion, Transition, or Academic Libraries, or from Learning Plan (except sel)
      • Behavior: Behavior Plan from Behavior Support
      • SEL: Lesson Plan from SEL library or from learning plan (sel lessons only)
    • Can select one type, multiple types, or all types (all will be the default).
  • Select Account should allow user to select one account or multiple accounts.
    • When multiple accounts are selected, each account should be represented by a different colored line on the graph
    • When multiple accounts are selected, a district average line should appear on the graph
    • Change "account" to "building"
    • Add an option to select all
    • There should be a key below the graph
    • Only buildings with access to the Platform(s) selected will appear in the list. If a building does not have access to the specified platform(s), it will not appear.
  • Select Team Member should allow user to select one team member or multiple team members.
    • If a building is selected, only the team members from that building should be visible
    • Only team members who have been assigned to the platform(s) selected will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to Rethink, but not assigned to the specified platform(s), this individual will not appear in the list.
    • Team members should be listed in alphabetical order by last name.
    • When multiple team members are selected, each team member should be represented by a different colored line on the graph
    • Add an option to select all
    • There should be a key below the graph
  • Add way to access Third Layer Report

Third Layer

  • Need to view report for Utilized vs Not Utilized
    • The Utilized view will list the team members who have accessed lesson/behavior videos, materials, webinars, or lesson/behavior plans during the specified date range.
      • This view will also show the # of each activity type during the specified date range, total # of activities, and date of last activity for each user.
      • Users should be ranked in order of total activities, with the user with the highest # of activities appearing first. If two or more users have the same number of activities, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.There should be a message on this screen that reads "The following users have made use of Rethink Ed's Best Practice Resources from INSERT START DATE to INSERT END DATE. Please take a moment to recognize these all-star users! (Once the Messaging Center is complete, consider adding a link to message the users a congratulations message)
    • The not utilized view will list the team members who have not accessed the resources (watched lesson/behavior video, watched webinar, printed material, or printed lesson/behavior plan) during the specified date range.
      • This view will also show the date of last resource accessed and date of last login.
      • Users should be listed in order of last resource accessed date, with the user who has accessed the resources most recently showing at first. If two or more users have the same last resource accessed date, the user with the most recent login will appear first. If two or more users have the same login date, the users in question will be ranked alphabetically by last name.
      • Only team members who have products assigned will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the platform, but not assigned any products, this individual will not appear in the list.
      • There should be a message on this screen that reads "The following users have not made use of Rethink Ed's Best Practice Resources from INSERT START DATE to INSERT END DATE. Please take a moment to contact these users and offer some support. (Once the Messaging Center is complete, consider adding a link to message the users a support message)
  • Need to filter by platform
    • Only the platforms allocated to the account will appear in this report.
    • Option to select all.
  • Need to filter by building
    • Select Building should allow user to select one account or multiple buildings.
    • When multiple buildings are selected, users from the buildings selected will appear in the report
    • There should be an option to select all
    • Only buildings allocated to the selected platforms will appear in this list.
  • Need to filter by team member
    • Select Team Member should allow user to select one user or multiple users.
    • If a building is selected, only the team members from that building should be visible
    • Only team members who have been assigned to the Skills, Behavior, or SEL Platforms will appear in the list. If a team member has been added to the site, but not assigned to the Skills, Behavior, or SEL Platform, this individual will not appear in the list.
    • Team members should be listed in alphabetical order by last name in the filter menu.
    • If a platform is selected, only the users who are assigned to this platform should appear in the list.
    • There should be a search feature.
    • When multiple team members are selected, those are the only users that will show in the report.
    • There should be an option to select all
  • Need to filter by date range
    • Date range should default to past 90 days
    • Users can adjust this date range


  • Role 7 will have access to all resource information across the entire account (all sub-accounts & parent account)
  • Role 6 will have access to all resource information across the sub-accounts they are linked to
  • Role 5 will have access to all resource information for the sub-account they are linked to
  • Custom roles may have access to resource information if admin reports were selected during customization. These roles will have access to all resource information for the sub-accounts they are linked to.
  • No other roles will have access to this report.
  • Accounts with Skills, Behavior, or SEL Platforms allocated will have access to this report. If an account (or sub-account) does not have access to either the skills, behavior, or sel platform, this report will not appear.
  • All sub-accounts with the aforementioned platforms allocated will appear in this report. If a sub-account does not have of these platforms allocated, they will not appear in the report.
  • Only the platforms allocated to a given account (or sub-account) will appear in the report.
  • All users assigned to the skills, behavior, or sel platform will appear in this report. If a user does not have one of the aforementioned platforms assigned, they will not appear in the report. RITA - Let's discuss. Thinking down the road to MIS integration. Not sure if this will work until account setup is complete though.