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We need to create a tool that allows educators to build a behavior contract for a student and for this contract to show both in the student center and in the family portal. Students need to sign the contract.

Step One: Create the Contract


  • The user will select a behavior contract template (maybe?)

  • The user will select/enter behavior goals to add to the contract. If the student already has behaviors set up for behavior tracking/self-monitoring, we should be able to use those behaviors

  • The user will select/enter rewards/reinforcers. We should have some pre-set options and allow the user to enter custom text

  • The user will select/enter consequences. Again, we should have some pre-set options and allow the user to enter custom text

  • The user will enter a contract review date

  • The user will then click to save the contract. We should allow the user to digitally sign the contract as well.

  • The user should then click to share the contract in the parent portal and/or student center


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Step Two: Student Views/Signs Contract


  • In the student center, the student should be alerted they have a new contract to sign

  • The student will view the contract and digitally sign

  • Once the student signs, the teacher will be alerted

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Step Three: Parent Views Contract (optional)


  • In the family portal, the parent will be alerted there is a new contract

  • The parent may view the contract

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Step Four: Student Reviews Contract


  • The student is alerted when the contract renewal date comes up

  • The student will see a question asking how they feel they are doing 😃 😐 ☹

  • The student may enter text explaining what they did well and how they can improve

  • The student will submit their responses

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Step Five: Contract is reviewed by teacher


  • The teacher is alerted when the contract renewal date comes up and when the student submits their self-reflection

  • If the student has completed the review, the teacher may view the comments

  • The teacher will see a question asking if the behavior goals are being met

  • If the teacher says yes, they will be asked if they want to change the behavior goals, rewards, and consequences. The teacher may make edits, enter a new review date, and save/sign.

  • If the teacher says no, they will be asked if rewards and consequences were implemented. If yes, were these effective? If no, remind the teacher to implement the strategies. The teacher will then be asked if they want to change the behavior goals, rewards, and consequences. The teacher may make edits, enter a new review date, and save/sign.

  • From here, the user may share to parents and students.

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