Customers can use this report to assist with payroll processing or for auditing purposes.
Video Guide: Payroll Export Video Guide
Step | Description | Good to Know |
Navigating to the Payroll Export | Reporting>Scheduling>Payroll Export |
Generating the report | Date Range: Enter the date range you want to pull appointments for
By default, completed appointments by your company’s definition will pull into the Payroll Export Use the ‘Staff Assigned Location(s)’ field to select the location you want to filter by. You may select multiple locations. You must select at least one location. All locations will be auto selected. Include Late Entries: When selected, the system looks for appointments prior to the start date entered that were previously incomplete but are now complete
Include INCOMPLETE staff appointments: Best practice is not to pull incomplete appointments; Breaks the functionality of the Late Entries feature because you are running with incomplete appointments Include Cancelled/Archived Appointments: If you need to pay staff for cancelled appointments, can select to pull these in Include Non-Payable Appts (these appointments do not count toward payroll totals): Any paycode created with the “N/A” code will populate into a Non-Payables tab on the export Include Demo Client: Select if you want demo clients to appear on the export Click Run Now
Subscribed Reports |
Report Information
The Start and End date of the report will appear at the top of the spreadsheet along with the Time zone of the user that is logged in and running the report. The Run Date/Time will show when this report was pulled. The Staff Assigned Location(s) will display the locations that were selected to be included in this report.
Summary: This tab is a broad overview of how many hours that employee worked in that date range and the total they would be paid. There will be one line per staff member for the date range you have run the report for. It will compile all of that information into one line.
Column Name | Information Shown |
Id | Rethink assigned ID |
FirstName | First Name of Staff Member |
LastName | Last Name of Staff Member |
ExemptStatus | Whether or not staff is selected as eligible for overtime calculations Exempt = They are NOT opted into overtime calculations Non-Exempt = Opted into overtime calculations |
PayType | Hourly or Salary |
StaffLocation | Locations assigned to staff profile |
RegHours | How many hours staff worked in that date range
AvgRegRate | The average between their different payrates |
RTPay | Total owed before mileage and overtime |
OT1Hours | Any hours worked overtime |
OT1Rate | Overtime rate as set up under Settings |
OT1Pay | Amount owed to staff for overtime |
OT2Hours | If a second set of overtime rules were set up under the Settings>Scheduling sectionSettings, any hours that fall into this category will appear here |
OT2Rate | The rate for the second set of overtime rules, if applicable |
OT2Pay | Amount owed to staff for second set of overtime rules, if applicable |
Miles | How many miles that staff traveled during this date range |
MileageRate | Mileage Reimbursement Rate if set up under the Settings>Staff Member>Mileage areaMember Settings>Mileage |
MileagePay | Amount owed to staff for mileage reimbursement |
TotalPay | Amount owed to staff for that date range
EmployeeStartDate | If entered in the Staff Profile>Attributes section |
CompanyStaffID | If entered on the Staff Profile>General Information section |
Column Name | Information Shown |
Id | Rethink assigned ID |
FirstName | First Name of Staff Member |
LastName | Last Name of Staff Member |
ExemptStatus | Whether or not staff is selected as eligible for overtime calculations Exempt = They are NOT opted into overtime calculations Non-Exempt = Opted into overtime calculations |
PayType | Hourly or Salary |
StaffLocation | Locations assigned to staff profile |
Paycode | Paycode Abbreviation |
PaycodeName | Name of Paycode |
RegHours | How many hours staff worked in that date range Includes all appointments - Billable, Non-Billable, Travelunder each pay code |
RegRate | Hourly rate for that pay code for that staff member |
RTPay | Amount owed to staff for each pay code |
Miles | How many miles that staff traveled during this date range |
MileageRate | Mileage Reimbursement Rate if set up under the Settings>Staff Member>Mileage areaMember Settings>Mileage |
MileagePay | Amount owed to staff for mileage reimbursement |
Regular Pay | Amount owed to staff member including mileage but not overtime |
EmployeeStartDate | If entered in the Staff Profile>Attributes section |
CompanyStaffID | If entered on the Staff Profile>General Information section |
Column Name | Information Shown |
Alerts | Any alerts you may need to be aware of EX: Overlaps with another appointment |
Id | Rethink assigned ID |
ApptStatus | Status of Appointment; Best practice is to only pull for completed appointments |
Name | First Name of Staff Member |
LastName | Last Name of Staff Member |
ExemptStatus | Whether or not staff is selected as eligible for overtime calculations Exempt = They are NOT opted into overtime calculations Non-Exempt = Opted into overtime calculations |
PayType | Hourly or Salary |
StartTime | Scheduled Start Time of appointment |
EndTime | Scheduled End Time of appointment |
DateOfService | Date the session took place |
ActualStartTime | Verified Start Time of appointment
ActualEndTime | Verified End Time of appointment
Duration | How long the appointment took place |
AppointmentType | Type of appointment (Billable, Non-Billable, or Travel) |
AppointmentTag | Any tags on the appointment; Non-Billable appointments will always have a tag and Billable Tags are optional |
Paycode | Abbreviation for the Paycode |
PaycodeName | Full Paycode Name |
ServiceLine | Service Line - EX: ABA |
ServiceName | Service Name - EX: Assessment |
ClientName | Name of the client that staff worked with |
Funder | Name of the client’s funder |
Rate | Hourly rate for that pay code for that staff member Will show “0” if that staff is salary or if an hourly rate was not entered for that pay code for that staff member |
Miles | If Travel appointment, amount of miles driven |
MileageRate | Mileage Reimbursement Rate if set up under the Settings>Staff Member>Mileage areaMember Settings>Mileage |
StaffVerified | Should say “Yes” as that is the minimum requirement for a completed appointment |
StaffVerifiedAddress | If location services are enabled on the staff’s device, the location where staff verified the appointment will appear here |
ParentVerified | Yes or No |
ParentVerifiedAddress | If parent verification obtained, location where they verified |
SessionNotes | Yes or No
ApptNotes | Any notes that are entered on the event details page of the appointment |
StaffVerificationTimestamp | Date and time the staff verified the appointment |
ParentVerificationTimestamp | Date and time the parent verified the appointment |
CompanyStaffID | If entered on the Staff Profile>General Information section |
ClientLocation | Location assigned to the Client Profile>Demographics page |
StaffLocation | Locations assigned to staff profile |
LocationName | If a location was added to the appointment |
LocationAddress | Address of location if added on the appointment level |
AppointmentID | Rethink assigned generated Appointment ID # |
Last modified on | Date and time the appointment was last modified |
Last modified by | Name of staff that last modified the appointment |
Last Billing Exported | Shows if the appointment has been pulled on a billing export |
Last Payroll Exported | Shows if the appointment has already been pulled on a payroll export |
Appt Requirements Completed | Date and time all of the appointment requirements were complete EX: Could be a session note and a verification depending on requirements set up in Settings |
Paycode OT Eligible |
Late Entry | This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry. |
Late Entry First Pulled By | If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry. |
Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry | If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry |
Non-Payable: If including non-payables in the export, they are seen here. This is a way to keep track of something but not pay your staff for it. These do not count towards overtime calculations.
Column Name | Information Shown |
Alerts | Any alerts you may need to be aware of EX: Overlaps with another appointment |
Id | Rethink assigned ID |
ApptStatus | Status of Appointment; Best practice is to only pull for completed appointments |
Name | First Name of Staff Member |
LastName | Last Name of Staff Member |
ExemptStatus | Whether or not staff is selected as eligible for overtime calculations Exempt = They are NOT opted into overtime calculations Non-Exempt = Opted into overtime calculations |
PayType | Hourly or Salary |
StartTime | Scheduled Start Time of appointment |
EndTime | Scheduled End Time of appointment |
DateOfService | Date the session took place |
ActualStartTime | Verified Start Time of appointment
ActualEndTime | Verified End Time of appointment
Duration | How long the appointment took place |
AppointmentType | Type of appointment (Billable, Non-Billable, or Travel) |
AppointmentTag | Any tags on the appointment; Non-Billable appointments will always have a tag and Billable Tags are optional |
Paycode | Abbreviation for the Paycode |
PaycodeName | Full Paycode Name |
ServiceLine | Service Line - EX: ABA |
ServiceName | Service Name - EX: Assessment |
ClientName | Name of the client that staff worked with |
Funder | Name of the client’s funder |
Rate | Hourly rate for that pay code for that staff member Will show “0” if that staff is salary |
Miles | If Travel appointment, amount of miles driven |
MileageRate | Mileage Reimbursement Rate if set up under the Settings>Staff Member>Mileage areaMember Settings>Mileage |
StaffVerified | Should say “Yes” as that is the minimum requirement for a completed appointment |
StaffVerifiedAddress | If location services are enabled on the staff’s device, the location where staff verified the appointment will appear here |
ParentVerified | Yes or No |
ParentVerifiedAddress | If parent verification obtained, location where they verified |
SessionNotes | Yes or No
ApptNotes | Any notes that are entered on the event details page of the appointment |
StaffVerificationTimestamp | Date and time the staff verified the appointment |
ParentVerificationTimestamp | Date and time the parent verified the appointment |
CompanyStaffID | If entered on the Staff Profile>General Information section |
ClientLocation | Location assigned to the Client Profile>Demographics page |
StaffLocation | Locations assigned to staff profile |
LocationName | If a location was added to the appointment |
LocationAddress | Address of location if added on the appointment level |
AppointmentId | Rethink assigned Appointment ID # |
Last modified on | Date and time the appointment was last modified |
Last modified by | Name of staff that last modified the appointment |
Last Billing Exported | Shows if the appointment has been pulled on a billing export |
Last Payroll Exported | Shows if the appointment has already been pulled on a payroll export |
Appt Requirements Completed | Date and time all of the appointment requirements were complete EX: Could be a session note and a verification depending on requirements set up in Settings |
Late Entry | This column will display ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ depending on whether the appointment was ever pulled as a late entry. |
Late Entry First Pulled By | If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the first and last name of the staff member who first pulled the appointment as a late entry. |
Date/Time Appt Marked Late Entry | If the appointment was pulled as a late entry, this column will display the date and time the appointment was first pulled as a late entry |