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User Story

As a RethinkEd content creator, I need to create or edit a Lesson so that I can provide more lessons for the Lesson Library. 

UI Description

  1. Title

    • Description: The name or headline of the Lesson.

    • Required: Yes.

    • Type of Input: Text field.

    • Validation Criteria: Must contain at least 3 characters and no more than 255 characters. It should accurately reflect the content or subject of the resource to ensure easy identification and searchability.

  2. Short Description

    • Description: A concise summary of the activity, highlighting its main points or features.

    • Required: No.

    • Type of Input: Textarea.

  3. Subject

    • Description: The subject area of the Lesson

    • Required: Yes.

    • Type of Input: Dropdown menu.

    • Dropdown Values (single select):

      • SEL

      • Mental Health

  4. Grade

    • Description: The grade for which the activity applies to.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown menu

    • Dropdown values (multi-select):

      • Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 8th Grade, 9th Grade, 10th Grade, 11th Grade, 12th Grade, Not Applicable

  5. Tier

    • Description: The Tier for which the activity applies to.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown menu

    • Dropdown values (multi-select):

      • Tier 1

      • Tier 2

      • Tier 3

  6. Domain (Subject: SEL)

    • Description: The Domain for which the activity applies to.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown menu

    • Dropdown values (single-select):

      • Awareness of Self & Others

      • Self-Management

      • Social Skills

      • Social Awareness

      • Self-Care

      • Trauma

  7. Domain (Subject: Mental Health)

    • Description: The Domain for which the activity applies to.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown menu

    • Dropdown values (single-select):

      • Mental Wellness, Healthy Identities, Kindness to Animals, Online Safety, Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use Disorders, Reducing the Risk of Suicide, Preventing Violence, Human Trafficking, Trauma: Emotions, Trauma: Resilience, Trauma: Stress Management, Trauma: Support Systems

  8. Main Topic (Subject: SEL)

    • Description: The Main Topic associated with the Domain of the activity.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown menu

    • Dropdown values (single select):

      • Awareness of Self & Others: Emotions, Growth Mindset, Learning Skills, Values, Wants & Needs, Self-Knowledge

      • Self-Management: Stress Management, Self-Control, Resilience, Problem Solving, Goal Setting, Focus

      • Social Skills: Respect, Relationships, Friendship, Fairness, Cooperation, Conflict Resolution

      • Social Awareness: Support Systems, Cultural Competence, Social Contributions, Safe & Ethical Behavior, Empathy, Actions & Consequences

      • Self-Care: Self-Efficacy, Self-Compassion, Self-Advocacy, Optimism, Mindfulness, Healthy Boundaries

      • Trauma: Emotions, Resilience, Stress Management, and Support Systems

  9. Lesson Display Type

    • Description: Indicates the type of module and how it will be displayed to the end-user.

    • Required: Yes

    • Type of Input: Dropdown Menu

    • Dropdown values (single select):

      • Normal


User Interaction and Validation Notes

  • Title and Short Description fields are required to proceed. These fields are crucial for basic identification and understanding of the module.

  • For the Subject, Activity Type, Duration, Grade, Tier, Domain, and Main Topic fields, users must select from the predefined options. This ensures consistency and reliability in filtering and searching for an module across the platform.

  • The Main Topic field only displays when the user selects the Subject as SEL.

  • Validation for text fields should include checks for prohibited characters or patterns that might interfere with the system's functionality or the database's integrity.

  • Lesson Display Types:

    • A Lesson with Normal display and Normal Modules will have the normal, or standard end-user lesson layout.

    • A Lesson with OTHER TO BE DETERMINED display andHidden Modules will have a different end-user layout.


For the "Lesson Metadata" functionality within the Module Builder section, the workflow is a crucial aspect that dictates how users interact with both new and existing activities.

This workflow ensures that the system is intuitive and that users with the appropriate permissions can effectively manage module metadata. Below is a detailed description of the workflow process:

Lesson Metadata Workflow Description

  1. Accessing the Page:

    • When a user navigates to the "Lesson Metadata" page, they can either be creating a new lesson or editing an existing one. The system differentiates these scenarios based on whether an activity ID is provided (for editing) or not (for creating).

  2. Initial State:

    • New Activity: If the user is adding a new module, all fields on the "Lesson Metadata" page are presented as empty, ready for the user to input the new information.

    • Existing Activity: If the user is editing an existing lesson, the system retrieves all current metadata for that activity from the server and populates the fields accordingly. This ensures that the user can see the existing information and make any necessary updates.

  3. Editing Metadata:

    • Users can make changes to any of the metadata fields, regardless of whether they are creating a new lesson or editing an existing one. This includes updating the title, short description, subject, activity type, duration, grade, tier, domain, and main topic, among others.

    • If the user changes the subject from SEL to Mental Health, the Main Topic dropdown menu will be hidden

    • If the user changes the subject from Mental Health to SEL, the Main topic dropdown menu will display

  4. Validation and Feedback:

    • Before submission, the system validates all input based on the specified criteria for each field. If any field does not meet its validation requirements, the system displays an appropriate error message, prompting the user to correct the input.

    • This step ensures data integrity and prevents the submission of incomplete or incorrect metadata.

  5. Saving Changes:

    • Once all fields are correctly filled out and validated, the user can save the changes by clicking the "Save" button.

    • Upon saving, the system updates the metadata on the server. For a new module, this action creates a new record; for an existing lesson, it updates the existing record with the new metadata.

  6. Access Control:

    • The form for editing or adding metadata is accessible only to users who have the "Edit Lessons" permission. This ensures that only authorized personnel can modify lesson information, maintaining the integrity and security of the content on the portal.

  7. Confirmation and Redirect:

    • After successfully saving the metadata, the user may receive a confirmation message, and the system could redirect them to either the activity listing page, the lesson detail view, or another relevant page. This action provides clear feedback that the operation was successful and guides the user on what to do next.


This workflow emphasizes user-friendly interaction, data integrity, and proper access control, ensuring that the Lesson Metadata management process is efficient, secure, and intuitive. It accommodates both the creation of new lessons and the modification of existing ones, with clear pathways and feedback mechanisms for users throughout the process.