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The Client Program Tab is a tab located within a client’s profile where Skill Acquisition programs are customized to the client. When customizing a program within the Client Program tab, you first need to add the program from the Program Library. See Overview of Program Library to learn how to add a program.


  • Current Tab = The program(s) will immediately display and be available for baseline data collection.

  • Future Tab = The program(s) will not display or be available for baseline data collection until moved to the current tab. This option is often used to place programs for the Initial Assessment.

*Programs placed in either tab can be fully customized by a supervisor. prior to data collection

When ready to customize a goal in preparation for Data Collection:

1.Select the program from the list on the left-hand side.


3. After renaming it, you then select EDIT to customize each area of the program to how you’d like the program to be ran. See the resource below to overview each area that can edited and what it means for the staff collecting data. Fields of a Skill Acquisition Program.

NOTE: Editing a program is required to move from the baseline to the teaching/intervention condition. Specifically, you cannot move from baseline to teaching/intervention until targets are added to the program.


  1. Options to MOVE PROGRAMS across the file folders within the Client Program tab can be found by selecting the “Move Program” icon in the top righthand corner. At most, a Client Program tab may have up to 4 file folders to store programs (i.e., Current, Future, Mastered, and Discontinued).


NOTE: File folders will only appear if a program is stored in that corresponding folder. For instance, if a program is never moved to the Future folder, it will not appear within the Client Program tab.


(3) Move to Future Plan:Programs in the Future Plan are not visible or eligible for data collection but can be customized to prepare for future programming, as necessary. Future Programs can be pulled into Funder Reports using the field “Recommended Skills”.

(4) Move to Discontinued:


Programs in the Discontinued folder are not visible or eligible for data collection, however, they can be accessed in the Analyze Data tab and pulled into Funder Reports, if desired. If data has been collected, but you wish to retire that program (no longer work on it), we recommended using this option instead of “Move to Lesson Library”.


After making your selection, choose Move Lesson to complete the request.