Versions Compared


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  • Prompt (show pop-up to user when a target user)

    • Clicks on a parenting session (can be from Daily Skill, Quick Picks, Favorites, Course Page, etc.)

    • Navigates to Experts page

    • Navigates to Parenting page (if applicable)

    • If user has program “Parenting Standalone”, show after user log in (but after quote screen)

      • These users should see “Foundational” and “SEL Skills” on their main nav instead of “Parenting”

  • Prompt will include 2 assessments, similar style to Child Profile Checklist pop-up

  • 2 Assessments to show are:

    • Parenting Stress

    • Parenting Confidence

  • Pop-up to show the following

    • Header: Assess Your Skills

    • Subtext: RethinkCare is dedicated to helping you achieve your parenting goals. To support you on your journey and help us improve your user experience, please complete the following survey!

    • Parenting Stress

      • Start CTA

    • Parenting Confidence

      • Start CTA

  • User can click on either Start

  • Clicking on Start will show the question page for the selected assessment

    • No responses should be selected by default

  • Record user response for each question

    • Each question is optional, user can click on “Submit” from filling out any number of questions

    • When a user clicks on an answer to a question, record that as an event and save response in system

    • This ensures that we can save user response even if they do not click on “Submit” (if they don’t finish assessment)Record each question that’s filled when the user click on “Submit” or “X” to close the pop-up

  • Once user clicks on Submit, return to main pop-up page and show grayed out Done instead of Start for the completed assessment

    • User can click on Start on the other assessment

      Image RemovedImage Added
  • If user completes both, then auto-close the pop-up when user clicks on Submit on 2nd assessment

  • User can click on X to close out of pop-up anytime


  • Background: We’re adding the ability to expose/hide features using feature flags to help us better control the launch timing of features without holding up the development and release process. These feature flags will have to be configured in jrich on both a whole-platform and a team-by-team basis.


    • Create two ways to access feature flag configuration

    • Full Platform

      • Add third tab to top of Jrich Primary Nav named Features

        • 2 drop down options

          • Feature Flag Configuration

          • Feature Flag Report

      • When Feature Flag Configuration is clicked, user will be taken to a new page where they’ll be able to enable/disable feature flags using a toggle

        • includes copy at the top: Any changes submitted from this page will affect ALL customer accounts.

        • Features should have a Name and a short Description

        • Page options

          • Submit Changes

          • Cancel

        • This option overrides the Team configuration

          • E.g. If I turn a feature on for ALL teams, then the checkbox on team page is auto-checked, but I can go and turn it off for that team, so it won’t appear for that team. Vice versa for all other scenarios

    • Team configuration

      • After clicking View on an account page, add a Tab for Configuration

        Drop down options

        Feature Flag

        • Feature Flags

          • mirrors the FF Configuration page

          • includes copy at the top: Any submitted from this page will ONLY affect the currently selected customer account.

          • Programs

            • existing screen

          Image Removed

📈 Reporting

  • Count each question response as an event towards overall reporting

  • Must be able to export assessment report on Team/Client level and across all Teams based on time range selected

    • Responses does not have to be anonymized; CS/clinical will be the audience, they will want to see all the responses

    • Each question + response should be tracked as an individual event if possible

      • E.g. if user answers 6 questions for Stress assessment, count as 6 events

    • Else, track any actions taken with each Assessment as 1 event each

      • E.g. if user answers 1 or 6 questions for Stress, treat as 1 event

    • Sample report: Assessment Outcome Report Template

      • Fields: Assessment, Pre/Post, Status, AccountID, UserID, Start Date, End Date, Device, Questions (each question should be its own column)

    • User can access this through Report tab on Jrich

      • New page on dropdown called Assessment Report

      • Page should include:

        • Client (search option, include All as first option)

        • Time Range

        • Email
